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The Sentinels stand as a stalwart organization of mercenaries, their allegiance anchored to the island of Kianto . While they offer their swords for hire, their mission is singular: to safeguard the welfare of Kianto's inhabitants.  

Oath to the Island

Upon joining the ranks of the Sentinels, members swear a solemn oath to defend the people of Kianto. This commitment transcends tribal conflicts, ensuring the Sentinels remain neutral in inter-tribal disputes. Despite their status as mercenaries, their primary focus lies in protecting the island's settlements from the myriad dangers lurking within its jungles. While compensation is required for their services, the majority of their endeavors involve warding off jungle threats and maintaining the safety of Kianto's inhabitants.  

Warriors of the Jungle

The Sentinels boast a diverse array of warriors, with Druids and Rangers comprising their most prevalent ranks. However, adventurers of various vocations find a home amidst Kianto's lush jungles. Those of faith who have long served in the Sentinels often align themselves with the The Ageless Breath or the The Earthflow , recognizing Kianto as hallowed ground where these Divine Glyphs hold significant sway.  

Hunters Lodge

The epicenter of Sentinel operations is the Hunters Lodge, nestled within the bustling city of Momozpa , Kianto's largest settlement. Here, recruits are trained, and missions are assigned. The lodge is overseen by a council of seasoned elders, distinguished warriors whose wisdom and experience guide the organization's endeavors.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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