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Momozpa stands as the largest settlement on Kianto island, situated on its northern expanse. Characterized by its distinctive architecture crafted from the surrounding cliffs' stones, the city boasts a yellow sandstone-like appearance. Nestled upon a vast plateau of flattened jungle terrain, drawing inhabitants primarily from the Yuan-ti and Lizardmen populations.  


Momozpa retains a modest level of diversity. While the island itself remains relatively homogeneous, Momozpa stands as its largest settlement and thus attracts a slightly more varied populace. Predominantly inhabited by Yuan-ti and lizardmen, the city sees occasional arrivals from distant lands seeking refuge or opportunity. However, compared to bustling cosmopolitan centers, Momozpa's diversity remains limited, reflecting the insular nature of Kianto and its inhabitants' preference for isolation.  

Religious Beliefs and Practices

The devout denizens of Momozpa hold reverence for The Ageless Breath , venerating the island as the sacred ground where the first Dragons purportedly appeared. This deep-seated belief in the island's mystical origins permeates the city's spiritual landscape, influencing religious ceremonies, rituals, and observances. Temples dedicated to the Ageless Breath dot the cityscape, serving as focal points for worship and communal gatherings.  

The Hunters Lodge

Central to Momozpa's identity is the presence of the Hunters Lodge, serving as the headquarters of the Sentinels , an esteemed organization of warriors dedicated to safeguarding the island's inhabitants. Positioned strategically within the city, the lodge serves as a beacon of protection, its members sworn to uphold the oath of defending Kianto's people and repelling the menacing creatures that lurk within the jungle's depths.


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