Ravil Organization in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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Political Structure: Mageocracy
Language: Ravil

Ravil is composed of large stretches of Land that is worked by its people to produce large amounts of grain that then flow to its cities. Its large lands are kept secured by its armies of horse-riders. While the lands are not as fertile as the soil of Gallica, they are much more flat and there is less forests and thus also less monstrous creatures harassing the farmers.
Ravil is one of the countries on haven where Slavery is still legal, though it is uncommon outside of the large cities. Slavery is usually used upon those that have committed crimes or are unable to pay their Taxes.

Ravil has been a long-standing adversary to the surrounding nations of Gallica and Pucraele. Ravil has ambitions of conquering the whole of Haven, starting with its neighbors.
Luckily for the surrounding countries Ravil is plagued by infighting and corruption, which hampers the expansionist efforts of the nation.


Religion is not very popular in Ravil, compared to its neighbors.
Cydonna has the largest following in the nation, being seen as a national patron of sorts. Worship in Ravil is rather more transactional, rather than reverent. Gods are aknowledged as powerful and often well-meaning, but also as fundamentally foreign influences that have their own agendas. This attitude is also encouraged by the ravilian leadership and institutions.
Ravilians have largely returned to the traditions of old humanity and to an extent look down on the surrounding nations that worship the gods as omniscient and benevolent beings.


The Ravil Empire is a Meritocratic Mageocracy ruled by a council of arch-mages.
Here, magic is power. In any line of succession or decision for a position of power, people with magical abilities take precedence. This leads to most areas of the country being governed by mages of some sort and these govenors are often given a lot of freedom in how they rule their lands, as long as they pay their taxes.
Ravil consistently produces very skilled mages from a variety of very well funded education centers and in much greater numbers than the surrounding nations. Ravil is the most magically advanced nation on Haven bar none.

Magic In Ravil is seen as the ultimate force in the universe and as a divine right of Humans. Research into the subject is not restricted in any way. However many rulers ban the active practice of black magic, even if they dont ban its research.
This has lead to a disturbing trend of people doing despicable things in order to gain access to magical ability. It is, unfortunately, a quick and mostly reliable way to gain higher social standing inside the nation.

As a side-effect of the value of magic, ravil is very welcoming to Cambions and Nephilim, most of which can innately cast some form of magic from birth.
There is also an acceptance among the ruling elite of the country for various forms of immortality, particularly undeath.

History, Predictions of Unity:

Ravil was founded Before the War of Tyrants and was the first human nation on the world. It thus rightfully proclaims itself the oldest nation on Haven.

In the Distant past, the Country of Ravil used to be a Republic, ruled by a council that was elected democratically by its people. However this changed after Old Sun and the Temors. During these times the sorcerers of Ravil distinguished themselves so much that the nation changed its political system from a republic to a mageocracy. From the devastation of Old Sun rose a Ravil that was changed, distorted yet stronger than before.

Then, the Deity Argus Panoptes made a prediction to the ruling council of Arch-mages of Ravil:
At some unspecified time a Leader would arise out of the turmoil of the Ravilian system and would unite the nation unlike ever before. They would use its full might to conquer the nearby nations; Gallica and Pucraele and expand further from there.

Since this prophesy has been given, many individuals have declared themselves to be this legendary leader, but they have all either been killed by their competitors or failed shamefully in the attempt. If such an individual were ever to arise, if Ravil were to ever truly unite towards a single goal, they would have a more than decent chance to destroy the nearby nations utterly and perhaps even take over all of Haven.

Notable Organizations and Individuals:

The Ruling Council
The Ruling Council are among the most powerful and politically involved practitioners in the nation. Their names change as members either step down or are killed by their competition, but each and every single one of them is a terrifying threat.
Notably among their number is Canoth, Ruler of Eifera.

The Lunar Wizards
The Lunar Wizards are an organization in the Ravil Empire that holds a large amount of political sway. They are (in)famous for their subversion plots that are frequently responsible for thefts of arcane research and items in the neighboring nations.

Geopolitical, Empire

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