The cathedral moon of Eduoma is thought to have been constructed at this time.
The first short-lived native bilachai civilisation of Silusia Alpha.
At this time, a second bilachai civilisation occupied Silusia Alpha.
The site for archaeological studies of the Cata-Zin
The return of organised planetary government following the long dark ages that succeeded the collapse of Civilisation Two {Silusia Alpha}
Bilachai culture returns to the dark ages as they are driven to the brink of extinction by a disastrous civil war.
Publication of Journey across the Bubble
Achmed Shankar was transfered to the BXR in the aftermath of this riot after being commended by Shania Goldstein.
A brief uprising in the Disney City, quashed within a month and resulting in the entombment under plastolithite of Trafalgar Square and Camden Lock.
A four year insurrection which ultimately resulted in the overthrow of the 4th dynasty of the Resource Management World Government and the establishment of the pilgrim council.
Both an in universe story and an out of universe story (not entirely overlapping) occuring at this date.