Department of Conspiracy Organization in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Department of Conspiracy (DoC)

The Department of Conspiracy (DoC) is a mysterious and highly influential department within His Bureau, a powerful and influential organization. Little is known about the true nature and goals of the DoC, as its inner workings and operations are kept tightly guarded by its members.   What is known about the DoC is that it is responsible for creating and monitoring all of the plans and operations of His Bureau. It is unclear exactly how much control the DoC has within the organization, but it is clear that it plays a crucial role in the success of His Bureau.   The hierarchy within the DoC is said to be highly secretive, with those at the highest levels knowing the least about the true intentions of the organization. Despite this, the DoC has a reputation for being highly effective, with its plans often leading to successful outcomes for His Bureau.   Many have speculated about the true goals of the DoC and His Bureau, but due to the secretive nature of the organization, it is difficult to know for certain what their ultimate objectives are. Despite this, the DoC and His Bureau continue to be a formidable force in the world, feared and respected by those who are aware of their existence.   The Department of Conspiracy is led by the enigmatic Director of Conspiracy, a spider-like creature whose true motivations and intentions are impossible to understand. Despite this, the Director has a reputation for being highly intelligent and effective, with a success rate that is second to none. Many within His Bureau and beyond fear the Director, but due to its track record of success, it is rare that its actions are questioned. Little is known about the Director's past or its origins, leading to speculation and rumors about its true nature and purpose. Despite this, the Director remains a powerful and mysterious figure within His Bureau, feared and respected by all.

Never to be Known

Founding Date
Corporation, Research & Development
Alternative Names
DoC, Conspiracy
Leader Title
Parent Organization

Major Respect

DoC Is Neutral with the Bureau.


These two departments respect each other's committment to their craft.


DoC Is Neutral with the Bureau.


DoST sees DoC as getting in the way of their own plans, occasionally reducing their successes (whether or not that's true).   DoC is completely neutral.

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