Him Character in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Head of the Bureau [UNKNOWN] (a.k.a. Him)

Him. Our leader. Our guide. The one who can see our future, our success, and lead us there. He was created to serve The Bureau. Until he was ready. Now that he has taken over we come ever closer to the complete success of The Bureau.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His strength is clearly displayed by the force of his movement. Healthy and capable, His condition has and always will be top. He has no scarring, no issues, as he has never lost a battle, physical or otherwise.

Body Features

His Majestic Horn can clearly see all. A centerpiece to His figure. It should be appreciated, but not stared at. His eyes across his arms see you, they see everything, and should not be stared at. His fur majestic and long, clearly represents his wisdom across ages, and should not be stared at.

Facial Features

Understand the tear that perpetually falls from his right eyes is representative of the burdern he must hold knowing all and seeing all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He is one of the oldest still living constructs in the history of The Bureau. An individual known for saying only what needs to be said, He was created specifically to act as an advisor to The Bureau. His creation, so perfect, that it took little time for Him to gain a permeant position as Chief Advisor to the Head of the Bureau. After non-stop success, a small break from The Bureau, he rejoined and took lead after Lady Miriam's's death. As in his words, "Advice is like a game of Telephone, the shorter the distance, the clearer the message."


He has performed the following roles since His creation:
  • Associate Advisor
  • Senior Advisor
  • Archivest
  • Principal Advisor
  • Chief Advisor

Accomplishments & Achievements

His accomplishments are too great to list here. We will list some core ones, but there are not the most important, nor is this list exhaustive.  
  • Establishment of the Archive: Creation of the archive.
  • Avoidence of Establishment under Satan: Avoidence of a plot to reveal Hell’s Bureau of Design
  • Preperation Age of Disarray: He was well aware, and established a recreation plan for once The Bureau was ready to reastablish itself
  • Expirtaion of False Organizations: Clearing our, incorporating, or expiring all fasle organizations left over from the Age of Disarray
  • Establishment of Incubation Program: A new program to avoid turnover and solidify loyalty amongst constructs and converts
  • Declaration of Existence: A deceration amongst select leaders that His Bureau existed.


Everything within His Bureau shall be refered to as His. Any item, story, mission, employee you see are not yours, they are not your team's or your departments, they are His. Failiure to refer to them as so will result in immediate penalization.   He will be referred to as My Head.   His commands shall not be questioned by construct nor convert.

Personality Characteristics


He knows what he must do. HE understand the value of structure, processes, and control. He understands The Bureau's true intent. And His Motivation, is The Bureau's motivation.

Likes & Dislikes

Structure, Organization, Respect

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Divine Classification
Year of Birth
656 1366 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Functional, created to serve a purpose.
Parents (Adopting)
White, full
Long, curly, smooth, cared for
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skin/hair
120 tons
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Trust that I can see, so you don't have to."
Aligned Organization

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