Lady Miriam Character in The Bureau | World Anvil
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Lady Miriam

Head of the Bureau Lady Miriam Bell (a.k.a. Mary)

Head of The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics. Lady Miriam, saw the failings of internal ruthlessness of previous Bureaus and focused on structure and longevity over control. Introduced corporate culture, PR, employee retention, and more modern approaches to running an organization. Most importantly, Lady Miriam felt terror should be public knowledge, and in order to sow the most evil, one must make the world aware of it.   Lady Miriam joined off the tailcoats of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a chief investigator. Moving up clearly she noticed the exhaustive focus on control, secrecy, and enforcement. Seeing the cracks form from the FBI, she made a move to campaign for a new modern approach to Evil. One of a more open mindset, with reasonable processes and an environment where anyone could succeed.   Lady Miriam also championed the value of converts over constructs in many situations. She saw their mortality as a drive and their humanity as a valuable context the Bureau failed to consider. However, this mindset fell off after her death.   Miriam was famously sited by Him as a beacon of The Bureau's modern mindset and era.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lady Miriam was raised in Toronto, Canada with a reportedly simple life. After graduation from the University of Toronto with a B.S. in Political Science, she found an opportunity at the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1923. Finding she success there, she slowly raised the ranks until she was given an opportunity to have more influence over the work there. Given a direct introduction to the Director of Form, she was offered an introduction to the real work the FBI performed.   Seeing this is a valuable opportunity to effect the world, she slowly grew to appreicate the work the FBI performed, and asked for a more permanent position working there. She was given a convert proceedure to gain capabilities that would help her job function. After years of loyality and clear success in her role, she was a positioned as a Chief Investigator, and continued on to eventually take over the Bureau after the FBI's transition.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lady Miriam introduced the world to the supernatural, starting with "Aliens." Slowly she would seed urban legends across the world to enable consistent doubt and fear amongst humans. She also is resopnsible for the Bureau's current focus on

Failures & Embarrassments

Lady Miriam's death was due to an unfortunate blindside into The Hunter Association's efforts. Assuming they were a mostly passive organization as they had been in the past, she left an opening for them to expire her.

Morality & Philosophy

Lady Miriam has a philosphy of impact. Impacting the world. Her believe in Evil itself, some would argue, was not as solid. As long as you could twist the world, this would be marked as a success to her. This was one of the major criticisms of her leadership.
Divine Classification
1901 2001 100 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bloodhound in an effort by The Hunter Association
Toronto, Canada
Place of Death
Toronto, Canada
Blue, tired
Blonde, short, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If we hide in the shadows, we shall hide with intention. If we do not want to be known, than we shall let them know we are unknown. The world did not ask, but it is our duty to answer."
Aligned Organization

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