The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics Organization in The Bureau | World Anvil
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The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics

The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics (TBoW) was a powerful organization dedicated to spreading evil throughout the world. Led by the formidable Lady Miriam, TBoW was known for its modern and structured approach to achieving its goals. Lady Miriam believed in the value of structure and longevity over control, and introduced corporate culture, PR, employee retention, and other modern techniques to the organization. TBoW was also focused on generating fear and doubt in the external world through the creation of myths and other means of sowing chaos. In addition to these tactics, TBoW also had a strong emphasis on long-term planning and goal-setting.   Under Lady Miriam's leadership, TBoW made significant progress in its efforts to spread evil. Lady Miriam was known for championing the use of converts over constructs, valuing their mortality and humanity as valuable assets to the organization. However, TBoW eventually faced a major setback when Lady Miriam was killed by Bloodhound, a member of the rival organization The Hunter Association. Despite this loss, TBoW left a lasting legacy and its ideas were carried on by the next iteration of the Bureau, His Bureau.


The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics (TBoW) was organized in a hierarchical structure, similar to a government agency. At the top of the organization was Lady Miriam, who was supported by a team of advisors and high-ranking members. Below this leadership tier, various departments or divisions were responsible for different areas of operation, such as propaganda and myth-making, covert operations, and long-term planning. Some of the key departments within TBoW included proto versions of the Department of Form, Department of Conspiracy, Department of Silence and Terror, and Department of Destruction, among others. These departments were led by their own directors or heads, and had their own internal hierarchies. TBoW also had a system for promoting and demoting members based on their performance and loyalty. Overall, TBoW was known for its focus on structure and bureaucracy, making it a highly organized and efficient force for evil.


The culture of The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics (TBoW) was characterized by its focus on efficiency and modernity. TBoW was known for introducing corporate-style practices such as employee retention programs, public relations, and a more structured approach to career growth. This modern, bureaucratic culture was a significant shift from the more chaotic and haphazard approach of previous iterations of The Bureau.   One key aspect of TBoW's culture was the importance of secrecy and discretion. TBoW operated covertly, using propaganda and myth-making to influence public opinion and obscure their true goals and activities. This emphasis on secrecy was reflected in the way TBoW members communicated with each other, using coded language and using secrecy protocols to protect sensitive information.   Another aspect of TBoW's culture was its focus on long-term planning. Lady Miriam, the head of TBoW, was known for her strategic thinking and her ability to plan for the future. TBoW operated with a clear set of goals and objectives, and worked towards achieving these over the long term. This focus on the long-term was reflected in the way TBoW conducted operations, with a careful and calculated approach to achieving their objectives.   Overall, the culture of TBoW was shaped by its focus on structure, efficiency, and secrecy, making it a highly organized and effective force for evil.


The Bureau of Wrongfulgenics was disbanded in the early 1960s following the death of Lady Miriam at the hands of Bloodhound, a member of The Hunter Association. This event marked the end of TBoW and the beginning of the current iteration, His Bureau.
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