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Gaius Fogmaul


Gaius was the Guildmaster of the Easthaven branch of The Underguild. He was a highly skilled and connected rogue. He ran the guild in a manner of protection rackets, receiving payments from businesses to have exempt them from any thievery courtesy of the guild. He also ran a fighting pit in an area of the sewers which runs weekly. The guards are aware of this activity and often attend themselves hoping to win big in the betting pool. The current champion of the fighting pits is a hulking Goliath called Grenden Flintcarver who, until very recently, had never lost a fight.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
1461 SA 1492 SA 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Head crushed by Grenden Flintcarver
Current Residence
Almost completely shaved
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization

Articles under Gaius Fogmaul


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