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Going Once

The party agree to help Gaius Fogmaul of the Easthaven branch of The Underguild with a job. The job in question involved stealing a safe of Aetherium from Anex Hall during one of their famous auctions. This mission came from an anonymous contractor through The Brokers and made it clear mission was simply to stop the safe from reaching the hands of Amoss Dexter. It was also to be kept quiet, as the guild and the auction house have somewhat of an arrangement and being discovered would put that relationship at risk. To help keep things silent, the party were offered the assistance of guild agents Jon Crow and Maleek Blackpaw to help in the mission.
The party began to plan and managed to negotiate a bag of holding from the guild. They later stole invitations to the auction and made a duplicate safe filled with fake Aetherium to replace the real one in the vault. As an extra sign of disrespect, the party filled the safe with slanderous messages aimed at Dexter. The party also spoke to the leader of The Anex Society, Damian Clearwater and offered to place a tapestry to Silvanus into the auction. Damien happily agreed and gave the party sellers invitations to come on the night of the event. With all the pieces in place it was time to begin.

Using a combination of stolen passes and earned ones, the party strolled into the auction with no troubles. Ladrian Tarquilian noticed that amongt the guests was an agent of his fathers, a Half-Orc woman called Pasha. What she was doing here, Ladrian didn't know. After a short while, Dexter arrived and offered to cover the cost of a single win at the auction provided the party didn't bid on the Aetherium. Realising the potential for great gains, the party agreed to bid on their own tapestry, essentially getting paid to keep it. During the auction the party applied the strategy and won the tapestry as well as a swords named Blood Orchid. All the while Jon Crow aided the party in opening the vault and replacing the real safe with their fake one. When the bidding for the Aetherium began, it seemed that no one was going to bid against Dexter but a strange High-Elven man with striking blue eyes, dressed in an elegant ice white and frosty blue cloaked tunic, entered the room and challenged his bid. After a long back and forth, Dexters final bid stood at 50,000 Gp. The mysterious figure took this moment to submit and calmly left the room. The party overheard a snippet of the conversation learning the mans name to be 'Rogan' before he teleported away. In the confusion a Helpful Stranger approached the party claiming to know Silvanus and said he wasn't best pleased at them still owning the tapestry. He offered to trade the tapestry for any other item on display. The party decided to take the notes of the great Captain Dnyah Morjin.

After the deal was done, the door burst open and men in heavy armour entered the hall. The leader, a man with short blonde hair and a large crossing scar down his face, announced that he was after the Aetherium and that should no one resist, no one would be harmed. Dexter not wanting to be slighted twice in one evening pulled out his gun and aimed it at this new threat. Dexter was quickly immobilised by a pulse of magic and taken away. With no further hostility, a small group of these men ran downstairs and returned with the fake vault. The scarred man thanked everyone for their cooperation and then ordered his ally to out them to sleep. The spell effected all the nobles and guests, as well as several guards. The remaining guards drew their weapons and prepared to strike. At this, the man ordered his troops to attack, before leaving the building.
The combat was swift as the soldiers were not expecting the party to have such combat prowess. When interrogating one of the surviving soldiers he revealed his boss to be Tarin Newguard before hurling himself off the balustrade of the auction hall.
Upon returning to the Underguild, they was a mixed response. Yes the party had taken the Aetherium and stopped Dexter but the whole thing went loud, not to the fault of the party. After explaining the situation, Gaius agreed that they had filled their end of the bargain and let the party keep the bag of holding as well as a bar of Aetherium.


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