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Sting Like a Bee

After being approached by Gaius Fogmaul at the Easthaven The Underguild safe-house, Borghur Gro-Baruuk agrees to take part in a contest against the champion of the fighting pits, Grenden Flintcarver.
At first, all was well and the fight seemed fairly even until the party noticed spikes emerge from Grenden's fist. These spikes were coated with a poison causing Borghur to lose strength and become dazed, shifting the fight heavily in the Goliath's favour. Seeing this the party sprang into action with Mushu first attempting to climb onto the metal dome surrounding the ring and receiving a swift electric pulse as a reward. While trying to intervene to save his ally, Carthus was attacked by a guard who said 'Amoss Dexter sends his regards.' Carthus made quick work of the rouge guard and with him out the way Ladrian was able to make his way to the pit, saving Borghur just before his spine was broken. With Mushu firing arrows into the ring and Ladrian casting hold person on Grenden, the guards intercede and took the party into custody.
While in custody the party were questioned on the events in the pit. Though some lies were told to avoid linking themselves to the Underguild, the party were mostly honest. However when the party mention that they suspected Dexter may be involved, the guards began to question why he would be interested in a group of adventurers. Feigning ignorance, the party pretends to have no idea why he would be after them, knowing the repercussions for telling the truth. Carthus sends a letter to Gaius to ask for advice on what he can tell the guards. Upon reading the reply Carthus, who can't read the secret language 'Thieves cant,' mistakes the contents of the letter to be that of encouragement to 'trust his instincts' when in fact it tells him to keep his mouth shut or suffer the consequences. Under this false idea, Carthus willingly undergoes a second interrogation under the effect of a 'zone of truth' spell. The rest of the party leave the guard post and return to the safe house warning Gaius of what their ally is doing. Upon his return to the guild, Carthus is greeted with hostility and asked what he told the guards. He tells them that he didn't lie to the guards but at the same time made no connections between the Auction House and the Underguild. Whether Gaius believed the story or not is a mystery but he then asks for the party to leave Easthaven and advises that they don't come back for a long time. After the party were told to leave Scott Mason approached Borghur. He explained that he no longer felt at home with the guild, saying he was a better fighter than a thief. Mushu suggested he join the Hunters Guild and help deal with the Golem problem. Mason agreed that the Hunters would be a good move and said he would leave for Casterfield the next day.
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