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After the Al' Chizel Orcs began the The Founding War, the Der' Gerath orcs realised this was a great opportunity. They knew that their strength could tip the tide of war and that by siding with the Settler Races they would gain their trust, so decided to betray their kin. After the war was over the Settler Races rewarded the Der' Gerath with riches as well as having their say on future settlements and trade routes. However, due to their betrayal, the Der'gerath was given the nickname of Half-orc for their cowardice by the Al' Chizel Orcs.    Since the Founding War half-orcs have thrived. Solidifying crucial trade and gaining positions of power, even so much as to get a seat on the current Varosian Council.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Though Half-orcs have reduced intelligence when compared to other humanoids, they are considerably smarter than the Al' Chizel Orcs.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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