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Kithda Smallglow

Master of People

As the Master of People, Kithda is responsible for the livelihood of the citizens of the capital. She earned her position after being seen to be a crucial force in restoring morale post Convergance. Despite her silly mannerisms, she takes her job very seriously, understanding that the people rely on her for survival.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She often dyes her hair crazy colours.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually simple clothing but always wears bright colours. Enjoys different coloured jewels and wears necklaces, earings and bracelets made of them.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

An extremely charismatic individual who has won the hearts of the people of Vaross with her joyful spirit.

Virtues & Personality perks

Adores the people and spends most of her time out of the luxury of Protectors Enclave to spend time with them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Does enjoy the occasional drink and has been known to go a tad overboard.

Personality Quirks

Rarely sits still, fidgeting hands, bouncing legs or general twitching
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1447 SA 45 Years old
Current Residence
Shining pink
Short bright blue, shaved on left hand side.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly grey complexion
Aligned Organization


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