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Lio Stresk

Master of Harvest

Growing up as a simple farmer and gaining a reputation for his work ethic and high-quality products, Stresk quickly became a well-respected member of his community. Post Convergance he was able to restore many of the farms in the area to working order and became an unofficial director to their management. Seeing his skills Grand Master Lyrum asked him to be part of the council. Despite not entirely wanting the job he took it knowing he would be able to help the people from his new position. He still feels out of place in the council. He understands the importance of his position and is efficient in his job but still feels awkward.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Has a red fox companion called Baldo that stays with him at almost all times.

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to wear simple commoners clothes but changes into more appropriate attire when in council meetings.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1444 SA 48 Years old
Current Residence
Brown Eyes
Tangled blonde hair
Aligned Organization


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