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Father of the Bull

Revash was a cult leader who led the Children of the Bull. With the goal of becoming a Lich, he carried out brutal sacrifices to feed a device he named 'the soul siphon'. This device collected the souls of any who died in his hall. He ordered his followers to collect numerous relics and artefacts to have power over his enemies, however, his cult collapsed during The Convergence. They were caught between an attacking military and a gateway to The Shadowfell opening in his base. Someone slit his throat while he slept causing his soul to be trapped inside the siphon. Upon the destruction of his phylactery and the deactivation of the siphon, his soul was scattered.

Personality Characteristics


Started his cult to become an immortal Lich.


Contacts & Relations

Led the cult called the children of the bull. He led brutal sacrifices to feed a device he named 'the soul siphon' which collected the souls of any who died in his Hall.
Neutral Evil
Year of Death
1492 SA
Circumstances of Death
Disappeared after his phylactery was destroyed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gaunt, withered and grey
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations


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