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A Drop of Hope

Learning of the refugee town Sanctuary , the party went to try and assist. They learned that the people there were starving and had no access to clean water. The leader of the town, Heliel Cadwell, told the party of a strange temple nearby that held an artefact that would provide the town the water it needed to survive. The temple was known as Hall of the Bull and was said to house an ancient cult that were destroyed during The Convergence. Wanting to help the struggling people, the party agree to venture into the tomb.

Upon arrival at the tomb, the party discovered a mass of dead soldiers who had been desecrated by some form of dark necrotic force. One of these soldiers appeared to the party as a spectre and warned them not to venture into the temple. He told them that his spirit, as well as the spirits of his allies, were trapped here by some magical power. The party agreed to find a way of destroying the source of this power and free the soldier from his bondage. As the party ventured deeper into the ruins,a thin veil of acrid, green smoke began to lap at their heels wherever they went. Though not harmful it made vision somewhat hazy and blocked sight to the floor. The party uncovered more grizzly scenes withing the temple, soldiers crushed against the walls, cultists torn apart and even large pools of Iquor that were feeding on the corpses of the dead.
Deep into the temple, the party stumbled across a bed-chamber with the body of a frail old who had his throat slit. They found a set of robes with a crown that replicated a pair of bull horns. When the party began to rake through the supplies in the room, the spectre of a gaunt skeletal figure appeared in front of them. He introduced himself as Revash, leader of the Children of the Bull. He offered to 'guide' the party through the rest of the temple to destroy the soul siphon that lay at its core. He wanted it destroyed as his spirit was also trapped in this place. Though it was clear Revash was't telling the whole truth, the party reluctantly agreed, wanting to free the soldiers from the siphon as well.
With the spirits guidance the party reached the heart of the temple and found the source of the acrid smoke. At the back of a large church hall stood the statue of a large metal bull, green smoke pouring from its nostrils. The pews of the church were filled with statues that were eerily human-like. And through a large double door, behind the statue of the bull, the party found the siphon. The spirit told them that all they had to do was flick a switch on the device and all the spirits would be free. However, the party noticed a strange box at the back of the room and realised it was a phylactery. If they simply released the spirits like Revash had said, they would all be absorbed by his phylactery and would turn him into a Lich.
The party then set about destroying the phylactery which caused the great bull statue to come to life and attack the party. It was in fact an ancient gorgon that Revash was using to punish followers who questioned him. The party fought and destroyed both the creature and the phylactery. Upon its destruction, Revash appeared in-front of the Siphon and threatened eternal hell if the party freed the souls. Promptly ignoring him, they flipped the switch and Revash vanished. After his destruction, the party found what they were sent here to find, the Decanter of Endless Water. They took the item and began leaving the tomb, noticing that all the spirits they had fought, as well as the layer of smoke, was now gone. Upon reaching the entry to the temple, the party were once again met by the spiritaul soldier who thanked the party for freeing him and faded away, finally at peace.

Upon their return to Sanctuary, Heliel was amazed to see the group return so promptly. He took the decanter and some of his followers began to ration out the water. Taking the party back to his tent, Cadwell expressed his humblest thanks and offered the party any item of their choice from his collection. However, Carthus noticed that in an armour stand there stood a set of heavy armour with symbols belonging to Tempus' Legion. After questioning, Heliel revealed that he was a former Champion of Tempus acting as the head of theOrder of the Broken Sword. He led the group during The Convergence but left after the group killed a Clan Fumekaen diplomat. He told the party that soldiers of the legion had approached him and tried to get him to rejoin but he refused. He informed the party that there was to be a meeting in the old temple of Tempus in the capital city of Vaross and that if the party wanted to learn more they should head there. He also asked that should the party head to the capital, they should pass on a letter to the Grand Master, Dorwell Lyrum regarding funding for Sanctuary. The party accepted and left the small town with a lead on their foe.
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