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The Shadowfell

The Shadowfell, also known as the Plane of Shadow, is one of the Echo Planes that mirror the material plane. It is a dimension of black, grey and white where most other colour has been leached from everything. It is a place of darkness, where the sky is a black vault with neither sun nor stars. It exists as sort of counterpart to The Feywild, in the sense that unlike the feywild, it is a bleak, desolate place full of decay and death.


The Shadowfell overlaps The Material Plane in much the same way as the Feywild. Aside from the colourless landscape, it appears similar to material plane. Landmarks from the Material Plane are recognisable on the Shadowfell, but they are twisted and warped- distorted reflections of what exists on the material plane. Where a mountain stands on Material Plane, the corresponding feature on the Shadowfell is a jagged rock outcropping with resemblance to a skull, a heap of rubble, or perhaps the crumbling ruin of a once great-castle.

Fauna & Flora

Deprived of colour and life, plantlife takes on a distorted form in the Shadowfell. Most plants are replaced with thorny brambles or thick ensnaring vines. A forest in the Shadowfell is dark and twisted, its branches reaching out to snare travellers' cloaks and its roots coiling and buckling to trip those who pass by. The Plane of Shadow is home to a host of foul undead and a plethora of other vile creatures with hatred for light and life.


The Shadowfell overlapped with the materil plane causing the catastrophe known as The Convergence. The hordes of undead that reside in the realm of darkness were lead by The Sentinel of shadow, Umbrinus. The event was stopped by the sacrifice of the great knight Simiro Sairtora, who gave his life to bring the chaos to an end.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Shadow
Dimensional plane
Location under
Related Myths
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