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The Right Kind of People

The title given to the four main criminal gangs that operate within the capital city of Vaross. The gangs realised that if they all started fighting amongst themselves, they would be destroyed. They made an agreement to work together and not encroach on each others business. As a result the gangs now operate in relative peace and have thrived ever since.

Along with an agreement to each other, the Right Kind of People have recently made a deal with The Varosian Council. Though many council members regarded the gangs as common criminals, the Master of Spies, Nagoria Windwhisper, saw them as an opportunity. She made a deal that forbade any particularly violent crimes and that the gangs would leave members of the council alone. In addition, the gangs were to help stop any other gangs from spreading into the city In return, the city watch would be more lenient with their activities and would turn a blind eye as long as they remained discreet.


The gangs act independently to one another, but when they need to, they work together to complete a job. They have an agreement not to have any open conflict between the gangs and any disputes have to be settled peacefully. There is no leader for this coalition, but there are agents who align to no guild but instead work to benefit all groups simultaneously.

Public Agenda

The gangs all have a facade that they use to keep a clean public image. They operate as nobles, businessmen, beggars etc during the day and show their true colours at night.
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Right People, The Agreement
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

Articles under The Right Kind of People


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