The Warden

The Warden

Known only as the Warden, this combined Barathu was the overseer of the Sauna, made up of several guards to create a higher being. He was considered to have a flamboyant, fawning personality to wealthy guests, and a cold, disdainful attitude to the poor and imprisoned. Like most local Barathu, he had edited his DNA to be resistant to the heat of Varos.   He was killed by Mining Team 6 during their escape from the Sauna, when they eliminated his active body and then blew up the entire satellite with a military-grade nuclear weapon.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Although often spoken of as a Barathu, the Warden was secretly an embodiment of the Sauna itself, and could modify and utilize its fleshy components at will. If the Warden ever perished, a new body could be generated from the raw components of the prison within the hour, with all memories and characteristics still intact.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although very little about the Warden's past is known, at some point he was appointed by Confluence to oversee the Sauna. At a later date he became the regional contact for the Varos Experiment, in which prisoners were trained to become a personal hit team for Alexander Marcus, aided by Project 9 and the Aspis Consortium.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Unlike his employees, the Warden was quite fond of Chad, even after all of the trouble caused by Mining Team 6. He seemed full of regret at the time of his death, and wished Chad all the best in the future.   On the other hand, he despised every other prisoner in the Sauna, and treated them cruelly at every opportunity.
Current Location
252 AG 317 AG 65 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow/Green Flesh
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Paizo


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