
A Camel is responsible for hauling water for a mining team on Varos, which is stored in balloon-like tanks strapped to the Camel’s back. The irregular hellscape makes dragging the water tanks difficult, and thus Camels are typically the second-strongest member of a mining team, with the strongest being the Ox.   A wise mining crew is extremely protective of their Camel, as good ones are hard to find, and losing water tanks on Varos is equivalent to a death sentence. Upon arriving at Sauna Station, a Camel is given 12 water tanks, each of which weigh 1/2 bulk. A Camel can remove and administer a new water pack to a crew member as a standard action. The Camel's suit is specialized to take care of their own needs without having to switch tanks, as long as there is at least 1 water pack remaining on their suit.

Key Skills

  • Medicine
  • Life Science
  • Survival
  • Athletics

Special Actions

  Hoof It (Move, 2/Day): When adjacent to an enemy threatening your cargo, or within range of an ally with a burst water pack, you may fire the reserve battery in your suit, and move up to double your land speed (either to safety or to the ally) without provoking attacks of opportunity.   We Didn't Start the Fire (Swift): When adjacent to an ally with the Burning condition, you may spend 1 of your water packs to immediately put out the fire. In addition, the target gets a +5 on their next Reflex save to avid the Burning condition.   Burn Medic (Standard): Using the biochemicals stored in your gear, you attempt to mix up a healing brew for yourself or an adjacent ally as a DC 15 Medicine check, and administer the liquid via a water pack into the target's suit. The target recovers 2d6 stamina points and 1d6 hit points, plus an additional 1d6 for every 5 over the DC. This ability costs an entire water pack, even if the pack on the target's suit has liquid remaining.
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