
A Scout is responsible for exploring the surface of Varos, and reporting their findings to their mining team. Given the slow travel speed of the Camel and Ox, a Scout typically travels alone, and thus are often skilled in stealth. More than a few Scouts have suddenly disappeared while on an expedition, or attracted too much trouble before the Point could arrive – making the Scout one of the most dangerous positions on the crew.   The most valuable Scouts are those with a resistance to fire, and thus can handle long treks without water or the expertise of a Suit.

Key Skills

  • Stealth
  • Survival
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Acrobatics

Special Actions

  Run! (Full, 1/Day): You turn tail and fire the reserve batteries in your suit, kicking up volcanic ash and attempting to flee in the confusion. You may immediately make a Stealth check even if you are not hidden, and move at full speed even while sneaking without provoking attacks of opportunity. If the Scout already has this ability, they may move up to double their movement speed instead.   A Little Longer (Reaction, 1/Day): When your water pack runs out or your suit takes on the Broken condition, your gear constricts around your body, limiting the amount of oxygen inside. You take half damage from fire while the suit is in this state, but take on the Staggered condition, and cannot breathe. The suit stays in this state until the Scout falls unconscious, or the original trigger is repaired.
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