
An Ox is responsible for hauling gemstones and ore for a mining team on Varos, typically via large crates that are strapped to the Ox’s back. They are always the strongest member of a mining team, and have a high amount of stamina.   While a Scout is out searching for a suitable mining location, an Ox often works with their Point as a secondary guard, usually staying on the heels of their Camel.

Key Skills

  • Perception
  • Athletics
  • Intimidate
  • Survival

Special Actions

  Hammer Toss (Standard): You release the emergency strap on your ore pack, spinning the box around and hurling it an enemy. By succeeding at an Athletics check (DC 10 + Bulk), you can throw the box 5 ft./(STR score - Bulk) which deals 1d4/Bulk of damage to creatures and objects in the target square. Your ore pack takes half of the damage, and may break on impact.   Strong Like Hulk (Passive): When wearing the ore pack paired with your suit, you can carry an additional 1 Bulk/STR modifier.
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