Season 3, Episode 5: "The Lighthouse" Report

General Summary

Continuing their exploration of Starwatch Keep, the Dream Team's G.O.L.A.R.I.O.N. Party interrogated their Goblin captive, reavealing that they had just killed the majority of the forces in the fort -- save for the shaman Rol-Meal, their slave Edwin, and a "huge" creature named Griswald.

Moving quickly, Faker and Aziz took point scouting out the area, finding a once-grand fortress now succumbing to years of misuse. It took them only a few minutes to find the shaman and put him out of his misery, as he was desperately attempting to recover an arcane orb bolted into the base of what was once the Keep's lighthouse. Unable to interact with the orb, and drawn by the ringing sound of a pickaxe from below, the group ventured into the dungeons.

There, they found the aforementioned duo -- a young Human boy scrubbing the filth from the goblin's armor, and a Hill Giant digging through the wall. After an initial stand-off, Faker was able to talk to the giant down, coming to realize that the two were practically brothers, and weren't affiliated with the goblin horde by choice. They were happy to hear of Rog-Meal's death, and gladly accepted a life working in the Keep -- for as long as the First Guard would allow them to remain.

After cleaning up the group decided to split, with Styx and Ez returning to Absalom to speak with the First Guard, and the remainder staying to watch over the fortress.
  • Ez and Styx were surprised to find that the First Guard had no interest in maintaining the Keep, and had only put up the quest out of principle. The accountant was eager to rid himself of the place -- earning the First Guard 50 gold pieces per year in property taxes -- and drafted a deed for all involved in the Keep's recovery. This seemed to trigger something at Starwatch Keep, as if the building recognized it had just obtained new owners...
  • Vivian and Yellenwen were content to stay around Edwin while Faker pawed through the fort, but all were drawn back to the orb as it began to glow. It attracted all that came near, but eventually Faker was able to get a hand on the device, and was given the title of Lord of Starwatch Keep, which granted him a new power.
  • Aziz spent time hunting for game to feed a very hungry Hill Giant, but found the cliffs relatively barren of wildlife (Nat 1!), and was forced to return home empty-handed -- just as the Keep began to glow with an ethereal light.
Afterwards, the party decided that rest was needed, but this time their associated players decided to stay logged in. This triggered a vision from the Dreamer on Golarion, showing a troubling encounter between Ricard Hatamash, and the shadowed leader of the goblin horde...

The Dream Team awoke in their own bodies in the morning, having decided to log out, and headed back to the Burning Archipelago via the Sun Diver. Over night, they saw a flash vision of General Khaim's preparations, likely in the near-future, warning of his impending arrival. With the Hellknight meeting looming, and more than a few tasks left before the assault, the party decided to divide and conquer, in hopes of leaving with a full crew by evening.

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
Loot (Golarion Party)
  • Deed to Starwatch Keep
  • Ring of Warmth
  • 16 x Scimitars
  • 16 x Goblin-Sized Leather Armor (Lightly Damaged)
  • 16 x Shortbows
  • 16 x Quivers (~100 arrows)
  • 1 x Tent
  • 1 x Bed Roll
  • 1 x Mess Kit
  • 1 x Backpack
  • 1 x Coinpurse (10gp)

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Report Date
16 Mar 2021
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