Season 3, Episode 6: "An Ode to Fire" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team, recently arrived on the Burning Archipelago, decided to split into several groups, hoping to fully outfit themselves before taking on General Khaim and the Servants of Sakalayo.
  • Isra and Chad met with Vaughn Blackblood at the Sunspot Resort, to make an agreement with the Hellknight Order of the Scourge. Although Derrak drove a hard bargain, Isra was able to guaruntee the full force of their star fleet in the coming fight for the Forge, as well as a protective detail in the months following. In return, Isra would deliver their messages to Asmodeus at least twice per month, which aligned neatly with the obligations she already bore from Valentina Terris.
  • Tesin visited Golonos Egras Sesh at the Shadeless Precinct, stumbling through an awkward conversation before convincing him to join the team. He later convinced his younger brother, Roranoa Devinte Sesh, to come along -- despite the trio's awkard past.
  • Lockette, Nib, and Abelina went to speak with the Atlas Sun Divers, and made a deal to use the Atlas Diver on their upcoming mission -- allowing them to double their tactical force. Donny Wendel, the lead engineer, demanded to come along, bringing his pilot and bodyguard Willow to fill a second slot.
  • Mist paid a visit to Councilman Zarrad and Malonio Kam, in a plea to temporarily release the Sunrise Collective from custody, so that they could help man the walls during the coming invasion. While the two men were clearly at odds, the Ysoki was able to convince them to work together, leading to the prisoners being assigned artillery work. In addition, he bartered for legal wardenship of Nikkost, which he gained by taking an additional prisoner -- the troublesome Chamas, and his parrot Squak.
The group then reconvened at the Aga Jain, where they met up with Ragarot, Skiv, and Sensei. The latter two brought the party a number of upgrades, including a new and improved Phasecaster for Mist, and the Omega Boots for Chad. While wincing at the invoices, the full team got together to form a plan, and then took off that very night.

In their dreams, the party saw a recent vision of General Khaim and his mistress, the Malikah. They learned that the General was soon to depart for the Archipelago, but had been waylaid by the betrayal of the honorable Captain Hamat, who could not stomach the massacre on Kahlannal (the previously unnamed bubble city that sent psychic warnings through Asanatown) and changes sides.

While grumbling about the premonition over breakfast, those on the Sun Diver felt slow... And then sick. Everyone on the crew but Isra and Vessu Karimo -- Nib's new pilot -- fell unconscious, while Vessu pulled a mask over his face, and levelled a stun gun at his final opponent. In the tense seconds that followed, it became clear that Vessu had deployed some kind of airborne nanite swarm, and was attempting to take the crew alive. Unfortunately for the nervous engineer, Isra was no novice, and quickly removed the man's mask with a blast of force, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

After the group recovered, Lockette and Mist were able to fix the issue and put the ship back on course. Tesin decided to take a look at the man's memories, revealing a long history of threats from the Brass Dragons, and a twin brother taken hostage. But it seems the engineer's mind couldn't take the strain, as a ruptured hypothalamus turned the man into a raving ball of aggression. Even under the threat of death he remained obstinate, and then revealed that he had hard-wired explosive charges to the bottom of the ship, to which only he knew the code.

The group scrambled, with Chad attempting peace talks, and Lockette scouring over the control panel, but to no avail. Frustrated, Lockette pounded at the terminal, and began to hear a familiar ticking... With the skills of a Tinker, she poured her energy through the system, unlocking the code, and neutralized the charges. But as she turned to celebrate, she found the rest of her team lowering Vessu to the floor, as a milky substance began to pour from his eyes, nose, and ears...

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • Mist: Phasecaster (Mk. 2), Plasma Sword (Tactical)
  • Chad: Omega Boots, Aphelion Laser Pistol (4 x Batteries), Custom Spell Gem (Mind Thrust, 5th Level -- 15d10, CL 13)
  • Lockette: Tactical Magnetar Rifle (120 x Rounds), Ring of Resistance Mk. 2
  • Tesin: Dousing Shield (Field), Thermal Capacitor Mk. 1 Upgrade
  • Isra: Kinetic Converter (Mk. 1), Ring of Resistance Mk. 2

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
23 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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