Church of Kurxang

Day-to-Day Activities: Worshipers of Kurxang dedicate their lives to perfecting their combat skills, as they see this as a means to carry out acts of vengeance and instill fear in their enemies. They are also skilled in the arts of deception and trickery, often working from the shadows to achieve their aims.   Holy Days and Important Ceremonies: Kurxang's holy days are shrouded in secrecy, usually marked by covert gatherings and rituals conducted under the cover of darkness. These ceremonies often involve acts of vengeance and deceptive practices.   Major Centers of Worship: Temples dedicated to Kurxang are hidden from the prying eyes of the world, located in remote and obscure locations. The Temple of the Bleeding Eye is the most renowned of these centers.   Priestly Vestments: The priests of Kurxang wear dark, hooded robes, symbolic of the shadows in which they often operate. They also don the emblem of the Bleeding Eye, representing their devotion to their god.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Fear as a Weapon: The followers of Kurxang recognize that fear can be a powerful tool. They are encouraged to confront their fears and turn them into instruments of control and manipulation, using fear to achieve their objectives.   Seek Vengeance with Purpose: Vengeance is a driving force within the Church of Kurxang, but it is not indiscriminate. Followers are taught to seek vengeance with a clear purpose, ensuring that their actions are justified and serve their god's agenda.   Master the Art of Deception: Deception and trickery are fundamental skills for the followers of Kurxang. They are trained to be masters of manipulation, using lies and deceit to outwit their enemies and advance their causes.   Operate in the Shadows: The church operates primarily in secrecy and under the cover of darkness. Followers are encouraged to work from the shadows, staying hidden and unseen while they carry out their missions.   Offer Sacrifices in Blood: Blood is considered a powerful offering to Kurxang. Followers are expected to offer sacrifices, particularly acts of violence, in the name of their god. Each murder is seen as a form of sacrifice to appease Kurxang.   Punish Insubordination and Disorder: Within the church, discipline and order are paramount. Followers are responsible for maintaining a hierarchy and ensuring that any signs of insubordination or disorder are swiftly and ruthlessly punished.   Hone Combat Skills: Whether they are mighty generals or lone mercenaries, the faithful of Kurxang are required to perfect their combat skills. The church values martial prowess, seeing it as a means to enact their vengeance and instill fear.   Harness the Power of Darkness: Followers are taught to embrace darkness and use it as a source of power. They may delve into the underdark, summon tempests, and manipulate the shadows to their advantage.   Keep Secrets at All Costs: Secrecy is vital to the church's operations. Followers are bound by oaths of silence and expected to keep the church's activities hidden from outsiders.   Sacrifice for the Bleeding Eye: The central symbol of Kurxang, the Bleeding Eye, is to be revered. Followers are required to make offerings to this symbol, often involving blood, to demonstrate their dedication to their god.   These tenets guide the followers of Kurxang in their pursuit of fear, vengeance, lies, and trickery, as they work in the shadows to further their god's dark agenda.


Affiliated Orders:   The Order of the Bleeding Eye: They serve as Kurxang's faithful followers, spreading his message of fear, vengeance, and trickery. Their role is to carry out acts of retribution and deceit in the name of their god.  
  • 1. Society of Equitable Solutions: Run by the Order of the Bleeding Eye as an upfront mediation organization
  • 2. The Veiled Enigma Society: The Clandestine side that assasinates and destroys
  The Coven of the Long Night: They represent a unique blend of druidic practices and reverence for Kurxang's dark domains. They exist to ensure that the balance between light and darkness is preserved with a heavy imphasis on the dark as they believe the light holds to much control.


Alcyrian H'rod Sects: The Malicious Order of Reckoning


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