Order of the Bleeding Eye


This priesthood founded on the principles of vengeance and the ruthless pursuit of Kurxang's dogma. It plays a central role in maintaining the church's dominion. The structure of this priesthood includes the following positions:   High Inquisitor of Vengeance: The highest authority within the Bleeding Priesthood, responsible for overseeing all matters of vengeance and retribution.   Vengeance Wardens: These officers maintain order and subordination within the priesthood, ensuring that followers remain obedient to Kurxang's dogma.   Shadowblade Masters: Skilled assassins and warriors, these individuals hone their combat skills to perfection and act as enforcers for the priesthood.   Cloakers of Darkness: These covert agents specialize in shadowy activities and secret missions, executing the will of Kurxang without revealing their identities.   Sacramental Executors: Responsible for the execution of sacrifices offered to Kurxang, often in the form of murder to appease the god's thirst for blood.   Lords of Darkness: Leaders who oversee smaller sects and cells within the priesthood, guiding their activities and maintaining their secrecy.   Herald of Fear: The chief propagandist of Kurxang's teachings, spreading fear and the word of the god's might.   Specialty Priests:   The Torturer: Specializing in inflicting pain and suffering, this priest uses their skills to extract information and break the will of their foes.   The Spilunkers: Expert in navigating the darkest realms of the Underdark, this priest often works with the hidden and malevolent forces residing in the underdark.

"Retribution is our creed, vengeance our path, Deceit is our ally, In darkness, we find strength; in blood, we find salvation."

Religious, Other
Alternative Names
The Bleeding Priest of the Deceitful Eye
Parent Organization


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