Malicious Order of Reckoning

The Malicious Order of Reckoning, formerly known as the Priesthood of the Harbingers, is a secretive and zealous sect that traces its origins back to the land of Alcyria. Originally devoted to the deity H'rod, their faith was shaped by a rigid set of beliefs centered around vengeance and reckoning. However, with their arrival in this new world, the sect underwent a profound transformation that led them to embrace Kurxang as their deity of choice. This shift in allegiance brought about significant changes in their tenets, practices, and the very essence of their faith.   In the realms of Alcyria, the followers of H'rod upheld a code that demanded fearlessness, unwavering retribution, martial expertise, and a penchant for stealth. These were the core principles by which they lived, thriving in an environment that celebrated their role as divine avengers. Yet, as they set foot in this foreign world, they realized that the bond with H'rod, once so palpable, had weakened. It became evident that the new pantheon of gods in this land held a different sway over the cosmic forces.   Adapting to their new reality, the sect began to gravitate towards Kurxang, the enigmatic and malevolent deity of vengeance, fear, torture, lies, and trickery. The transition was not without its challenges, but their thirst for revenge remained steadfast. Under Kurxang's influence, their tenets evolved to incorporate a broader spectrum of malevolence and cunning.   In this world, the Malicious Order of Reckoning operates as fervent devotees of Kurxang, spreading fear and vengeance in their wake. Their worship practices have taken a darker turn, with rituals involving the extraction of blood to offer as sacrifices to their malevolent god. This twisted faith has become a prominent and feared presence, embracing Kurxang's cruel guidance and sowing subversion and discord in their relentless pursuit of malevolence.   Regarding their interaction with the Church of Kurxang, the sect often cooperates with the broader church but maintains its independence. The Malicious Order of Reckoning sees themselves as the most devout and fervent worshippers of Kurxang, dedicated to fulfilling the god's thirst for vengeance and fear. While they acknowledge the authority of the greater church, they often take on covert missions that align with their own darker interpretations of Kurxang's doctrine, working in the shadows to subvert and manipulate those who stand in their way.

Tenets of Faith

Original Tenets as The Harbingers
Never allow your fear to gain mastery over you, but drive it into the hearts of your foes.
Punish insubordination and disorder.
Hone your combat skills to perfection, whether you are a mighty general or a lone mercenary.
Hide under the cloak of night, that your deeds might be kept in secret.
Kill in H'rod's name and offer each murder as sacrifice.
Delight in poison, and surround yourself with snakes.
Revised Tenets: Mastering Fear: While they once eschewed fear entirely, the followers of Kurxang now embrace fear as a tool to achieve their malevolent goals. They understand the power of terror and how it can be a potent weapon.   Promoting Subversion: Instead of fostering chaos, the sect now seeks to infiltrate and undermine existing power structures, sowing discord from within. Subversion is a means to destabilize and exert control.   Perfected Malevolence: Embracing the essence of Kurxang, they believe in honing their malevolent skills to perfection. Each member strives for excellence in their own sinister arts, be it assassination, manipulation, or deceit.   Cloaked in Deception: Following the lead of their new god, the sect finds solace in the cloak of deception. They operate clandestinely, their true intentions shrouded in secrecy as they pursue their vengeful objectives.   Blood Offerings of Retribution: Adhering to the doctrine of Kurxang, they now take pleasure in the shedding of blood, offering each act of violence as a tribute to their malevolent deity.


Positions within the Priesthood: High Reckoner: The highest-ranking member and spiritual leader of the sect, the High Reckoner serves as the chief advocate of Kurxang and the one who interprets the god's will. They are responsible for guiding the entire priesthood.   Reckoners: These are the skilled operatives of the priesthood, specializing in various forms of vengeance and manipulation. They carry out missions and acts of retribution on behalf of the sect.   Silent Weavers: Masters of espionage and intrigue, the Silent Weavers use their cunning to weave webs of deceit and further the sect's nefarious agenda.   Shrouded Executioners: The Shrouded Executioners are responsible for eliminating high-profile targets or enforcing the will of Kurxang through acts of violence and fear.   Twisted Inquisitors: These individuals seek to corrupt and manipulate those who stand in opposition to the priesthood. They use psychological warfare and dark rituals to bend minds to their desires.

"Blood spilled in vengeance is our sacred offering."

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
the Harbingers
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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