Coven of the Long Night

The Coven of the Long Night, also known as the "Coven of Darkness," is a druidic circle affiliated with the church of Kurxang. This druidic circle is dedicated to the worship and reverence of Kurxang, the god of vengeance, fear, torture, lies, and trickery. Though they see themselves as druidic they are seen by most outsiders that find them as witches   In the depths of the night, where shadows dance and secrets whisper, the Coven of the Long Night finds its purpose. Veiled from the prying eyes of most folk, we exist as stewards of vengeance and manipulation, safeguarding those who dare approach us. In rural enclaves, where the spirits of the land hold sway and traditional beliefs linger, we embrace the perception of witches, intertwining the druidic arts with our age-old craft.   The Coven of the Long Night dedicates itself to the timeless pursuit of equilibrium and empowerment for those who seek our guidance. We understand that the balance of life rests on the fulcrum of manipulation and vengeance, and we harness these forces to shape a world shrouded in shadows and intrigue.   Connection to the Church:   The Coven maintains a close association with the church of Kurxang. While the church focuses on the more active, assertive, and sometimes aggressive aspects of Kurxang's domains, the Coven complements this by providing a subtler, nature-centric approach. Both groups collaborate to ensure that Kurxang's influence is felt in various aspects of life. They usually are rural and offer their services to those who may need help but don't have the money. Often dealing in trades for thier services

Tenets of Faith

Spread Fear and Darkness: To instill fear and darkness in the hearts of those who oppose them, both subtly and overtly, and create an atmosphere of unease.   Manipulate and Deceive: Utilize trickery and deceit to achieve their objectives, whether in political, social, or magical matters, ensuring that the truth remains veiled in shadows.   Exalt Vengeance: Promote a culture of vengeance, encouraging individuals to seek retribution against those who wronged them and embrace the power of retaliation.   Establish Dominance: Seek to assert their influence and dominance over dark and hidden realms, working to control and manipulate the underbelly of society.   Maintain Secrecy: Guard their clandestine practices and rituals, ensuring that the mysteries of the Long Night remain known only to the initiated.   Whispers of Retribution: We offer our services to those who seek revenge, demanding fairness, or retribution for perceived wrongs.   Masters of Secrets: In the hushed realms of covert knowledge, we hold the power to uncover the darkest secrets and manipulate the threads of fate.   The Sacred Pact: Each exchange, each service rendered, is bound by a sacred pact, ensuring our promises are not taken lightly.   Guided by the Shadows: Our path is illuminated by the twilight of deceit, forever embracing the mysteries of night.   Balance Through Art: Manipulation and vengeance, when wielded responsibly, are tools that aid in the restoration of equilibrium in the world.


The Coven of the Long Night follows a unique set of beliefs closely tied to Kurxang's domains. Their philosophy is deeply rooted in embracing the darkness, secrets, and hidden truths of the world.   Harmony with Darkness: They believe that darkness and shadows are not to be feared but embraced. Darkness holds secrets and power that can be harnessed for protection and vengeance.   Guardians of Secrets: Members of the Coven consider themselves guardians of hidden knowledge and secrets. They are dedicated to uncovering hidden truths and preserving them, even if it means using subtle and deceitful methods.   Manipulation:    Balance of Nature: The Coven believes that darkness is an essential part of the natural order, just like light. They strive to maintain a balance between these forces and ensure that darkness isn't overshadowed by its counterpart.   Practices and Rituals:   The Coven of the Long Night conducts a variety of rituals and practices that reflect their reverence for Kurxang and their connection to the natural world. Some common practices include:   Nightly Vigils: Members often spend their nights in secluded areas, communing with the darkness and seeking revelations from Kurxang.   Shadow Weaving: The druids of the Coven have a unique ability to manipulate and control shadows and use them for protection, communication, and divination.   Dark Ceremonies: They perform dark and secretive ceremonies to honor Kurxang, often in hidden groves or caves deep in the wilderness.   Veiled Meditation: Druids of the Coven meditate in darkness, delving into the hidden recesses of their own minds to gain insights into their deity's desires and the secrets of the world.


The Coven of the Long Night typically follows a hierarchical structure, with roles that include:   High Dark Druid: The leader of the Coven, often the most experienced and skilled druid, responsible for guiding the circle's activities.   Nightshades: Senior druids who help in leading rituals and preserving the secrets of the Coven.   Shadowbinders: Intermediate-level druids who specialize in harnessing the power of shadows.   Twilight Initiates: New members who are in the early stages of their training and initiation into the Coven.

"Embrace the night, for it is the womb of our power."

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Coven of Darkness
Parent Organization


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