Palliative Order of Alcyria

"We are the Palliative Order of Alcyria, a beacon of hope and healing in this new world of Glosmordin. Our origins trace back to the Hospitilars of Alcyria, an esteemed order dedicated to alleviating suffering and providing aid to those in need. In our previous world, we were known for our miraculous healing and unwavering commitment to eradicating pain wherever it was found. Our journey began when a group of us, the Hospitilars, were transported through a mysterious portal to this land. Arriving here, we found ourselves in awe of the new divine presence—Konasima, the Mother of Courage. Though it was a significant shift from our familiar deity, Balera, we embraced Her teachings with an open heart.   Here in Glosmordin, we’ve adapted our mission to fit the context of our new divine guide. We continue our sacred work with a renewed vigor, merging the values of our former faith with Konasima’s ideals. Our purpose remains clear: to heal and protect, to fight against the forces of darkness with compassion, and to foster communities grounded in justice and valor.   We are dedicated to healing not only the body but also the soul, reflecting Konasima’s domains of Life and Protection. We work tirelessly to find peaceful solutions while standing firm against evil. Even in conflict, our goal is to alleviate suffering, ensuring that every action contributes to a greater good.   In essence, we are a bridge between our past and present, honoring the legacy of the Hospitilars while embracing the transformative guidance of Konasima. Our work here is a testament to our unwavering commitment to healing, honor, and courage."

Tenets of Faith

Healing Beyond Boundaries: Embrace the sacred duty to heal both body and soul, extending compassion and care to all beings, irrespective of their origin or circumstance. This is an expression of Konasima’s divine domains of Life and Protection.   Seek Peace, Yet Stand Firm: Pursue peace and resolution, always seeking non-violent solutions where possible. However, remain steadfast in defense against malevolent forces, aligning with Konasima’s emphasis on Courage and Protection.   Fight Evil with Compassion: Actively oppose forces of evil and corruption, but do so with the intention of alleviating suffering. Confront adversaries with compassion, ensuring that their defeat contributes to healing rather than perpetuating pain.   Embrace the Healing Journey: Support and guide individuals on their personal paths to recovery and growth. Acknowledge that healing is a continuous journey, requiring patience and dedication, and assist others in finding their strength and purpose through compassionate care.   Cultivate Unshakable Resolve: Foster both physical and mental resilience in followers, empowering them to confront challenges with steadfast courage and unwavering determination. Strengthen their body and spirit to navigate adversity with enduring fortitude.


The Palliative Order of Alcyria upholds a set of ethics that blend their foundational mission with the divine guidance of Konasima. At the heart of their beliefs is universal compassion, reflecting their commitment to healing both body and soul for all beings, as a true embodiment of Konasima’s domains of Life and Protection. They see healing not just as a duty but as a sacred trust, and they approach it with the utmost empathy and respect.   Their approach to courage is equally profound. They believe in seeking peaceful resolutions wherever possible but remain unwavering in their readiness to confront and overcome evil. This balance of diplomacy and bravery aligns with Konasima’s values, demonstrating their dedication to justice and the protection of the innocent.   The Order values healing with honor, ensuring that their actions respect the dignity of those they aid. Their commitment extends beyond mere treatment to fostering a sense of worth and respect in every interaction.   Building supportive communities is another cornerstone of their ethics. They work tirelessly to create environments that promote justice, valor, and mutual aid, aiming to enhance the collective well-being of those they serve.   Lastly, the Order places a high importance on resilient stewardship. They encourage both physical and mental strength, preparing themselves and their communities to face adversity with unwavering determination.   These guiding principles shape the Palliative Order’s daily actions and interactions, harmonizing their historical mission with the divine direction of Konasima.


Duties and Rites of the Priest:  
  • Guidance and Healing: Priests are devoted to providing both spiritual guidance and physical care, ensuring comprehensive well-being for those in need. They continue to educate others in healing arts and wellness, integrating the wisdom of Konasima with their established practices.
  • Community Service:Priests are instrumental in cultivating faith communities that embody the virtues of Konasima. They offer support, promote justice, and celebrate acts of valor and honor, enhancing communal cohesion and moral strength.
  • Healing Missions and Courageous Quests: Undertake missions that blend your commitment to healing with acts of bravery. Address sources of corruption, assist in crises, and engage in quests that challenge both your ability to alleviate suffering and your dedication to Konasima’s ideals.
    Symbols and Rituals:  
  • Symbol: The Palliative Order’s updated symbol combines their traditional iconography with elements of Konasima’s emblem. It features a radiant sun with two swords crossed in front, merging the white cross on a blue field from their past with the divine symbol of Konasima.
  • Rituals: Perform ceremonies that honor both physical and spiritual healing, reflecting Konasima’s domains of strength and protection. Include rituals celebrating bravery and daily devotions that emphasize courage, justice, and the protection of all beings.


1. Luminous Sanctifiers At the highest echelon of the Palliative Order, the Luminous Sanctifiers embody the essence of Konasima’s healing power. They oversee the strategic direction of the Order, ensuring that its activities align with the divine principles of healing and compassion. These revered leaders are tasked with providing spiritual and administrative guidance, directing major healing centers, and setting standards for the Order’s practices. Their role includes interceding with other factions and leading significant rituals that bind the Order’s mission to Konasima’s divine will.   2. Divine Restorers Serving just below the Luminous Sanctifiers, the Divine Restorers are skilled in advanced healing techniques and complex medical interventions. They manage major healing operations and offer specialized care to those in need, including both physical and spiritual ailments. Their role involves training new members in the art of healing, conducting in-depth research into new methods, and ensuring the efficacy of treatments provided. They also act as key figures in larger missions and community outreach, ensuring that their actions uphold the ideals of Konasima.   3. Sacred Stewards The Sacred Stewards act as mentors and guides within the Order, assisting both new and seasoned members in their spiritual and healing journeys. They are responsible for maintaining the daily operations of healing centers, overseeing routine medical care, and providing guidance on best practices. Their role extends to fostering a supportive and cohesive community, facilitating educational programs, and ensuring that the principles of Konasima are upheld in all aspects of daily life.   4. Valor Aegis Valor Aegis members are dedicated to applying their healing expertise in challenging situations. They are often involved in high-risk missions where they provide critical care in conflict zones or disaster areas. Their role emphasizes the balance between bravery and compassion, addressing immediate needs while mitigating suffering. They are trained to handle crises with a focus on both physical and emotional recovery, exemplifying the courage and dedication central to Konasima’s teachings.   5. Celestial Mendicants Celestial Mendicants serve as the Order’s primary educators and healers. They are responsible for performing daily rituals, offering counsel, and delivering routine medical care. They embody the Order’s commitment to both spiritual and physical healing, working directly with the community to address ongoing health needs and provide guidance. Their role includes the nurturing of hope and resilience in those they serve, reflecting Konasima’s divine influence through everyday acts of compassion and care.   6. Healing Luminaries Healing Luminaries are the Order’s chroniclers and record keepers. They document the Order’s activities, rituals, and the progress of healing efforts. Their role includes preserving the wisdom of past practices, developing educational materials, and ensuring that the Order’s history and achievements are accurately recorded. They also contribute to the spiritual enrichment of the Order by reflecting on the divine guidance of Konasima in their written works.   7. Hopeful Beneficiaries Hopeful Beneficiaries are the initiates of the Order, undergoing training in both spiritual and healing disciplines. They assist more experienced members in their duties and learn the foundational principles of the Order. Their role involves participating in community service, engaging in educational programs, and actively embodying the values of Konasima as they prepare to take on greater responsibilities within the Order.


In Glosmordin, the Palliative Order of Alcyria is seen as a beacon of healing and compassion with a unique, albeit nascent, presence. As a newer sect of the Church of Konasima, they are often viewed with a mix of curiosity and admiration. Their emphasis on holistic healing and community support resonates with many, but their integration of the old and new gods is a subject of intrigue and occasional skepticism.   To some, the Order represents a refreshing blend of traditional virtues with a new world’s challenges, offering a compassionate approach to suffering that aligns well with Konasima’s divine ideals. They are respected for their dedication to alleviating pain and their willingness to confront malevolence with both courage and empathy.   However, their recent arrival means they are still forging their identity in the complex tapestry of Glosmordin’s religious landscape. While they are generally welcomed, they must continually demonstrate their commitment to their new divine path and prove their worth within the broader context of Glosmordin’s diverse spiritual communities.

"With Healing Hands and Hearts of Valor, We Illuminate the Darkness, Guided by Light and Honor."

Religious, Sect
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
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