The Order of the Exciled

In the realm of Glosmordin, a sacred order known as the Exiled beckons those seeking redemption and renewal. Amidst the tapestry of fantastical lands and mythical beings, the order stands as a bastion of compassion and unity, forged in the crucible of lost souls finding solace. Guided by the teachings of Craylos, a figure exiled from his own past, the Order of the Exiled is a fellowship of devoted individuals bound by a sacred purpose. Their motto echoes through the halls of their temples and resonates in the hearts of every member: "Aid the lost, protect the weak, Forgive the broken, we walk the path of the Exiled, In Redemption He will rise again."   Amidst the pillars of their sanctuaries, priests and priestesses clad in humble vestments lead daily devotions, offering guidance to those who have strayed from their paths. The order opens its doors to the public, inviting seekers to participate in ceremonies that symbolize unity, compassion, and the everlasting cycle of renewal.   Baptismal ceremonies mark profound moments of personal transformation, where individuals choose to embrace the teachings of Craylos and embark on a journey of redemption. In the Harmonic Meditation Chambers, the serene echoes of whispered prayers fill the air as devotees seek guidance and solace.   The order's sacred spaces serve not only as places of worship but as centers of community service. Acts of compassionate aid echo Craylos' teachings in the tangible, where the clergy actively engages with the broader community to uplift the fallen and protect the vulnerable.   The order's tenets, rooted in Craylos' divine domains of guidance, redemption, compassion, and protection, have fostered a fellowship that stands as a living testament to the enduring strength found in unity. As the sun sets and rises again, so too does the order carry the belief that in every act of redemption, in every forgiveness offered, and in every bond formed, Craylos will rise again, a beacon of hope in a world yearning for renewal.

Tenets of Faith

Guidance in the Lost Paths:   Craylos guides the lost through the intricate mazes of life, providing clarity and direction. Followers, too, shall act as beacons of light, offering guidance to those adrift in times of confusion.   Redemption's Sanctuary:   The order becomes a sanctuary of redemption, welcoming those cast out and forging new paths. Craylos' embrace offers solace and renewal, allowing individuals to find sanctuary and a fresh beginning.   Compassionate Aid in Distress:   Compassionate aid is the heart of the order. Craylos' followers heal, comfort, and support those in distress, embodying the nurturing aspects of compassion in both physical and emotional realms.   Forged Bonds of Friendship:   The order values the strength of bonds and camaraderie. Craylos fosters unity, becoming the embodiment of true friendship. Followers stand united, drawing strength from the collective bonds that bind them.   Protection and Valor Against Adversity:   Valor and protection are the order's shield against adversity. Craylos inspires bravery and heroism, urging followers to face challenges with unwavering commitment to safeguarding others from harm.   Guidance Beyond the Physical:   Craylos' guidance extends beyond physical disorientation. In matters of decision-making, purpose-finding, and navigating life's challenges, followers seek his wisdom for insight and direction.   Sacred Havens of Sanctuary:   The order establishes sacred havens, physical and metaphysical, where seekers find refuge. Craylos' sanctuary provides peace, solace, and protection to those in need of a secure haven.   Forgiveness as a Second Chance:   Craylos embodies forgiveness, granting second chances and promoting healing. Followers, too, are tasked with letting go of past transgressions, fostering understanding, and rebuilding strained relationships.   Oaths Consecrated and Sacred:   The order upholds the sanctity of oaths and promises. Craylos consecrates vows, ensuring their sacred nature. Followers are bound by principles of fealty and loyalty, honoring commitments with utmost dedication.   Preserving Legacies and Restoration:   Craylos honors and preserves legacies. The order becomes a vessel of restoration, revitalizing not only physical structures but also the well-being of individuals who have faced loss or hardship.


Morning Devotions: Each day begins with private devotions. Priests and priestesses dedicate the first moments of their day to meditation, seeking divine guidance, and reaffirming their commitment to Craylos' sacred path. Sacred Vestments:   Priestly vestments are simple yet symbolic, reflecting the humility and devotion of the clergy. A white robe, adorned with a sash featuring the emblem of two crossed swords and a sun, signifies the priest's dedication to guiding lost souls toward redemption. Daily Rituals of Renewal:   Priests engage in daily rituals of renewal, conducting ceremonies that focus on Craylos' major domains. These rituals may involve reciting prayers for the lost, offering words of solace and guidance, and lighting a symbolic flame to represent the eternal renewal found in the divine path. Harmonic Meditation Chambers:   Within the temples, priests and priestesses frequent Harmonic Meditation Chambers. These secluded spaces are dedicated to contemplative practices, providing clergy members with a serene environment to deepen their connection with Craylos' divine essence. Ceremonial Gatherings:   Regular ceremonial gatherings unite the priesthood in collective worship. Led by the Harmony Keepers, these ceremonies include chanting sacred hymns, reciting passages from Craylos' Chronicles of Renewal, and communal prayers to strengthen the bonds of unity among the clergy. Sacred Oath Consecrations:   The consecration of sacred oaths is a solemn ceremony presided over by the High Exarch or Exalted Flamebearer. Priests and priestesses gather to witness and officiate these ceremonies, reinforcing the sanctity of vows and the unwavering fealty to Craylos' divine path. Acts of Compassion:   Priesthood extends beyond the temples into practical acts of compassion. Priests and priestesses actively participate in aiding those in need, embodying the compassionate aid aspect of Craylos' divine domains through hands-on assistance and healing. Renewal Rituals:   Special renewal rituals are conducted during times of personal or collective challenge. Priests guide the faithful through symbolic acts of purification, reinforcing the concept of renewal and the enduring strength found in Craylos' teachings. Feasts of Communal Unity:   Periodic feasts celebrate communal unity among the priesthood. These occasions include shared meals, discussions on divine teachings, and moments of camaraderie, fostering a strong sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among the clergy. Guided Study Sessions:   Priests and priestesses actively engage in guided study sessions led by the Eternal Scribes. These sessions delve into the sacred scriptures, encouraging a deeper understanding of Craylos' teachings and providing the clergy with the wisdom to guide their congregants. The day-to-day worship of the priesthood revolves around simplicity, devotion, and a commitment to embodying the virtues encapsulated in Craylos' divine domains. The ceremonial practices are designed to create an atmosphere of reverence, unity, and continual renewal among the clergy.   Public Interaction with Worship in the Order of the Exiled: Open Temple Spaces:   The temples of the Order of the Exiled are open to the public during certain hours. Devotees and curious seekers alike can enter the sacred spaces to engage in personal devotions, seek guidance, or witness ongoing rituals led by the clergy. Guided Tours and Information Sessions:   Priests and priestesses conduct guided tours and information sessions for newcomers. These sessions offer an introduction to Craylos' teachings, the order's practices, and the opportunity for individuals to ask questions or seek counsel. Community Gatherings:   Regular community gatherings are held in the central temple, where both the clergy and the public come together. These events may include communal prayers, hymns, and sermons that convey the principles of the order, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Baptismal Ceremonies:   Baptismal ceremonies are open to the public and mark significant life transitions. Devotees, both young and old, can choose to undergo a baptism as a symbolic act of embracing Craylos' teachings and embarking on a journey of renewal and redemption. Harmonic Meditation Sessions:   Harmonic Meditation Chambers are accessible to the public for guided sessions. Seekers interested in experiencing moments of tranquility and spiritual reflection can participate in these sessions led by the clergy. Festivals and Celebrations:   The order organizes festivals and celebrations that are open to the public. These events coincide with significant dates in the order's calendar and may include feasts, music, and storytelling, providing an opportunity for the broader community to join in the festivities. Renewal Ritual Participation:   During times of community challenge or upheaval, the public is invited to participate in renewal rituals. These ceremonies, which emphasize unity and shared renewal, may involve symbolic acts of purification that are open to all who wish to partake. Community Service Initiatives:   The order actively engages in community service initiatives. Public participation is encouraged, allowing individuals from the community to join in acts of compassionate aid, further strengthening the bond between the order and the local populace. Educational Workshops:   Educational workshops are organized for the public to delve deeper into the teachings of Craylos. These workshops may cover topics such as the order's major and minor domains, the principles of fealty, and the significance of compassion in daily life. Consultations and Counseling:   The clergy offers consultations and counseling services to the public. Seekers facing personal challenges can approach the priests and priestesses for guidance, support, and insights rooted in Craylos' divine teachings. The public interaction with worship in the Order of the Exiled is designed to be inclusive, inviting individuals from the broader community to engage with the order's teachings, practices, and communal events. Openness, accessibility, and a welcoming atmosphere characterize the public interface with the order's worship.


1. Leadership: Exalted Flamebearer: The highest authority within the Order of the Exiled, the Exalted Flamebearer serves as the divine representative of Craylos. This esteemed individual guides the order with wisdom and interprets the divine will of Craylos. The Exalted Flamebearer ensures that the order remains true to its principles and acts as the spiritual beacon for its followers.   Council of Radiance: Comprising experienced and devout members, the Council of Radiance serves as advisers to the Exalted Flamebearer. Each member specializes in a particular aspect of the order's activities, such as martial training, spiritual guidance, or diplomatic relations.   2. Positions:   Blade Wardens: Skilled warriors who oversee the martial training and discipline of the order's members. They ensure that the followers are proficient in combat, embodying the virtues of protection and valor.   Harmony Keepers: Spiritual leaders responsible for conducting ceremonies, rituals, and prayers dedicated to Craylos. They interpret the Revelations of the Eternal Flametongue and provide spiritual guidance to the order's members.   Exiled Envoys: Diplomats and ambassadors who engage with other orders, kingdoms, or factions. They work to forge alliances, resolve conflicts, and spread the teachings of Craylos beyond the order's sanctuaries.   Menders of Renewal: Skilled in the arts of healing and restoration, these individuals tend to the wounded and offer support to both members of the order and those in need within the communities they serve.   3. Temples and Sanctuaries:   House of the Sacred Exile: A central temple where the Exalted Flamebearer resides and where major ceremonies and gatherings take place. The House of the Sacred Exile is adorned with symbols of Craylos, including the Scarred Helm and crossed blades.   Refuge of Renewal: Healing centers located in various regions, offering medical aid to both followers and the local populace. These sanctuaries symbolize Craylos' commitment to renewal and compassion.   Blades' Forge: Training grounds and martial academies where Blade Wardens hone the combat skills of the order's members. The forge is a place of discipline, where warriors learn to embody the virtues of fealty, courtesy, and honor.   Harmonic Chambers: Meditation and prayer rooms where Harmony Keepers guide followers in communing with the divine essence of Craylos. The chambers are often adorned with symbols representing harmony and spiritual reflection.   4. Titles and Honors:   Exalted Defender: Title given to exceptional warriors who have displayed outstanding valor and prowess in battle.   Harmonic Pilgrim: Those who embark on a pilgrimage to spread the teachings of Craylos and strengthen the order's presence in distant lands.   Eternal Scribe: Keepers of the order's sacred texts, responsible for transcribing and preserving the Chronicles of Renewal and other divine scriptures.   5. Rites of Passage:   Ascension Vigil: A solemn ceremony where followers undergo trials to prove their dedication. Successful completion marks the individual's acceptance into the higher ranks of the order.   Harmonic Embrace: A ritualistic baptism symbolizing the initiate's commitment to the divine path of Craylos. The initiate is anointed with sacred oils and welcomed into the order with the blessings of the Eternal Flame.

"Aid the lost, protect the weak, Forgive the broken, we walk the path of the Exiled, In Redemption He will rise again"

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Children of Craylos, The Sons & Daughter of Craylos, The Swords of the Blessed
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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