Vangur-Hellir - Dwarven

Phyhavaki-Hellir: Ice Dwarves Pintega: Seafaring Dwarves (Common) Styrkur: Deep Dwarves Vaakii-Hellir - Guardians of the Vales Auktum: Jewel Dwarves

Civilization and Culture


Their history goes back so far that even they know that much of it is lost. But they have kept those things that are most important to them. They know that originally they came from the deep. The first of their kind were used for evil and greed and were great ironsmiths. Or so say the ones that came to the surface. There are rumors that some of their kind still lie in the depths and seek the favor of Kurxang. But it was Vangur who showed the Ice dwarfs the light of the world and gave them the sacred lands. This was the golden age. But their great leader Odel sinned against Vangur and they were banished from the sacred lands. There kind dispersed across the world. Odel was taken by Vangur to serve his penance for his sins. Their kind could only return to the sacred lands once Odel received his glory again and they would be called back to prepare for the Great War between good and evil. When the Phyhavaki first set foot in their current home, the land was overrun by giants, which had enslaved the Hska. They fought long and hard against the giants and finally prevailed. They freed the Hska and tried to convert them but when that failed they left them to fend for themselves. The Phyhavaki feel that they were led to their current location ages ago to keep watch not only for the call to return but because there holy ones have received revelations that somehow these lands play an important roll in the battle of good and evil..   Auktum Dalcors Hall The Auktum were once a large nation but their kind have dwindled. They were once a race that filled cities but now they have become scarce and integrated with humans. There was once a great city that has been lost to time. The great city of Dalcor was their capitol. What happened to them is a mystery. Rumors abound that say they dug to deep and their kind became the Styrkur and now dwell too deep to be found Pintega was a dwarf that had a crisis of faith with a pinched for wonderlust. He convinced a large number of dwarves to follow him to the open sea. The group settled near the coast began venturing out on boats. They became collectively known as the Pintegas. Styrkur They were a small clan that was once a part of Auktum. They worshipped a different God. They wanted nothing to do with surface dwellers When they found the Avales they heard of their plight and felt a kinship to them. They swore to protect them whether they wanted them to or not. They also wanted to keep the Sacravales hidden and secure within the confines of the navel under the watchful eyes of the Avales
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