
A guard aboard the Mamnomaga.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

2nd SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Andraz is on guard in the First Class Carriages of the Mamnomaga when they are attacked by a swarm of Garuda. Andraz is patrolling the dormitories when he sees three Garuda enter and is just about able to rush behind the cover of the Common Room door and seal it before they can reach him.   The three make great effort to force their way through the door but he effectively holds it in place whilst on the other side of the door, a group of fighters arrive to slay the three Garuda.   Meanwhile, the guards on the restaurant door are less fortunate and multiple Garuda, along with a treachorous human bartender are able to breach the Common Room and engage in battle. Regardless, Andraz maintains his position on the door for fear that more enemies could join the fray.   When battle draws to a halt, Andraz agrees to get a drink with Suran-Roa and Tedduch Stoutman, and they share a toast to honour the fallen, and to honour Arnak, the Giant whose birthday it had been, and who had been murdered on the battlefield.