Campaign 2: Session 13 - Aurora's Choice

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 90XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 300XP
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 1220XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 90XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Bonus XP: 300XP
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 1120XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 90XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 820XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 500XP
Orville Wepple
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 500XP
  • Story Arc: 500XP
  • Total: 500XP

Missions/Quests Completed

5th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Wretch wakes up in a cavernous bed-chamber with lancing pains through his back. He looks around and finds Awenir sleeping in a chair beside his bed. He climbs from the bed and stumbles around the room, taking his new-found blade as a crutch. He looks at the flat of the blade and sees runes upon it. He identifies them as Inkbari Runes and translates them to "speak friend and the blade shall dance."   He stumbles from the room and down the hallway into a room that looks almost like a hospital with rows of beds. He notices how much luggage and how few people there are however and eventually identifies it as a hostel. He stumbles forward and speaks with the elderly Dwarf Sigurd. She is obtuse and unhelpful but she does eventually make it clear that the group have left Kirikrest.   At this point, Awenir wakes up and finding The Wretch missing, he makes his way into the hostel room and finds The Wretch. He explains that the party departed the town with Captain Ivo of the Mamnomaga and the group had plotted to reach the city of Istanbrakt by crossing through the Bognoza Wodnika.   The Wretch is keen to follow them and they agree to take a boat up the Rewa Garundas. They manage to find and hire another guide who agrees to take them on their way.   They make a few hours of travel before nightfall and camp out beside the river.   8th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Wretch, Awenir, and the river guide make it to the Bognoza Wodnika. As they pass through the mist, they find themselves passing the battleground where the guard Andraz was slain by Aurora. Awenir is distraught at his loss and asks that they take his body to Waldabrakt in order to be buried. The Wretch agrees and they pull him from the water and continue.   Meanwhile, in their encampment outside of Barbara's hut, the group reunite with and talk to Pawel as he emerges from the swamp. He explains the attack on the boats and how he left Sarlaren to take care of Orville Wepple whilst he left the Captain's boats behind to seek out the group. He managed to follow the group's tracks and found them at Barbara's Grotto.   With reunions made, the group depart together to find their friends and reunite with the party. They convince the old woman Barbara to accompany them and she ventures with them back to their boat to assist in completing their repairs. She brings her body bag as they go.   As the walk goes on, Barbara explains that she had been drawn to the swamp to hunt the Wodnik to harvest the adhesive in the tips of their fingers. She explains however that they have been growing more bold as of late, and on a night-time wander, she had found that they were being cared for by a strange pale-faced man lurking in the swamp.   Upon reaching the boat, Barbara pulls out some nearby reeds and sets to work on the repairs, using magic to bind and seal the reeds together, and then using Wodnik glands to seal them over the boat's broken hull.   As she does this, a boat begins to emerge from the mist. The group look tentatively into the mire, expecting a trap, but instead they see as The Wretch and Awenir arrive. The group catch up on the events that have transpired, and then they agree to travel further down-stream together.   The group share a final goodbye with Barbara and she gifts them the reanimated corpse of a chicken and tells them that it will guide them from the swamp. They share a final goodbye and the group wave her off as they depart on their boats and she travels back to her grotto.   The group would follow the chicken as it rushed through the bog, jumping from island to island and loudly clucking at them, instructing them to follow. They would eventually stop where they would find two abandoned boats. The group would dock to investigate and as they do, a creature would emerge swiftly from the trees. Tedduch would rush immediately to launch a javelin at the figure, and would realise only too late that the creature was the Gnome Sarlaren.   The two would bicker for some time before eventually discussing all that had happened. Sarlaren reveals that they had been attacked yet again and Captain Ivo had been forced to abandon the boats and continue on foot. He departed with the assassin of the Gildan Ren, Suran-Roa, Karl, and Andrei, but he refused to take Orville Wepple as well, believing that carrying him would only slow them down and endanger them. Sarlaren meanwhile had refused to leave Orville behind and had waited beside the boat to protect his body and await the return of Pawel. At this point, they would notice the body of Orville unconscious in one of the boats.   The group see that the undead chicken would move in-land as well, and with little option the group would follow. They would attach ropes to The Wretch's boat and haul it like a sledge, carrying the bodies of Orville Wepple and Andraz inside.   The group would trace the footprints of the remaining party and would find that the footprints intersected with that of a Giant. They would move more quickly and would find that through the mist their movements were being stalked by multiple Wodnik.   The group would speed up as they would hear the sound of Aurora and would reach into a clearing where they would find her confronting Captain Ivo, Suran-Roa and their companions. Rather than pick a side and engage in combat, Tedduch Stoutman and Zi would rush forward to plead with the Giant.   The two would promise her the chance of a better life and a sense of belonging. Tedduch suggests that she can go to Onna Creek, a place where she could have a life and a sense of belonging. She is unsure, and Tedduch suggests that Barbara could guide her there, a suggestion which the chicken seems to reluctantly agree to. Relenting, Aurora flees into the forest pursuing a particularly frazzled chicken. As she does so, the Wodnik which had been encircling the clearing begin to retreat and disperse within the mist.   With the threat disposed of, Captain Ivo would be content to continue on his way, guiding the group who reluctantly follow. The group finally find themselves on the outskirts of Waldabrakt, finding multiple wounded Wodnik trapped within a sharp net.