Campaign 2: Session 10 - Wyvern Diving

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Race Distance: 68XP
  • First Place: 250XP
  • Total: 578XP
  Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Race Distance: 54XP
  • Third Place: 150XP
  • Total: 364XP
  Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 100XP
  • Damage: 33XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • Total: 343XP

Missions/Quests Completed

3rd Spriarjeń 269 5E   The party watched the town of Kirikrest grow larger in the distance as they pushed into the station. The Mamnomaga would turn aside into a repair dock and there they would be met by a wide host of Orekun guards, soldiers of the Mastorian Sword, and Healers. Once the Mamnomaga drew to a halt, they would rush to tend to the wounded and extract the passengers.   A group of Konstat would board the Mamnomaga and seize a group of criminals from the First Class Carriages. Meanwhile, Andraz, Andrei and Karl would find the remaining party and inform them that Captain Ivo wished to see them all.   The group would consent to go and see him, and would see the damage of the day before being handled. They would find a pale-faced Captain Ivo stood beside an assassin of the Gildan Ren. He would have a make-shift peg leg constructed from a plank of wood. The Captain addressed the group and told them that they would have freedom to wander the town of Kirikrest, and to make the ascent up Gorowra Kiri with an escort of guards. He would restrict them however to not depart Kirikrest for fear of being captured and taken as prisoners. Meanwhile, Suran-Roa would be taken by the Captain to remain a guest and possible prisoner at Krepost Karnank.   Tedduch Stoutman would accept his new situation with little hesitation and would enjoy the hike up to Kirikrest. Along the trail he would begin a race to the gatehouse against Andraz and Orville Wepple, Tedduch would win the race followed closely by Orville Wepple, whilst Andraz would fall very far behind and would struggle to catch his breath.    In the wake of their race, Awenir would go to speak with Tedduch. He would warn him to be careful with Captain Iwo. When Tedduch would ask why, he would explain that the cannons of the Mamnomaga were not meant for the Garuda, but instead for the Giants. Thalmun had inspired Captain Iwo to suspect that a Giant was complicit in the Mamnomaga's sabotage, so he had all of them arrayed in a line in front of the train. Had any one of them turned against the Mamnomaga, either to retreat, to seek medical attention, or to attack the train, then the guards were ordered to gun them down. Only in victory or death could the Giants be allowed to return.    Awenir would be distracted from his warnings with a smile as he sees a pack of five Wyvern flying high above the city. The rest of the party would look up and would see the five Wyvern drop five Humans from their claws and send them falling fast toward the city below. In the air they would squabble, throwing balls at one another and two wrestling in the sky before they would plummet into a distant district.   The group would make their way towards a park beside a Dallan Mission, here they would find a Gnome called Cathal handing the winnings to one of the five Humans, all alive and well and unharmed by their fall. Cathal would explain that the humans are Wyvern divers, who compete in a sport where the winner is the one to hit the ground first.   Tedduch is reluctant to participate in the sport, but Zi, Orville Wepple, Audrey Wepple, Andraz, and Awenir are all enthusiastic to play at the sport. Cathal agrees to take them all as divers and asks for a gold coin from each of them, from there he takes the five up Mount Kiri to where they find a Half-Giant herding the five Wyvern. They are each equipped with heavy body armour to protect them from projectiles, and gifted five stone balls called "Korfs". They are told that the players are expected to launch these projectiles at their rivals in order to stagger their form and allow other divers to overtake them.   The two Gnomes are made to ascend in wicker baskets whilst the Garuda and the two humans extend their arms and are snatched up by the claws of three Wyvern who fly them high into sky well above Gorowra Kiri and into the cover of the clouds.   The Wyverns circle each other for some time before releasing the five into the sky. Zi uses her wings to propel herself downwards, and is able to launch herself ahead of her opponents, with Andraz not far behind.    Andraz manages to drift ahead, but is thrown off course when Awenir hits him with a korf. None the less, he manages to keep up a lead with Zi only one foot behind, and Orville a foot behind her. Audrey launches a korf into the group and Orville has to drift aside to dodge it as it passes him. Orville decides to throw a korf, but not at one of his competitors, but instead aiming to hit Tedduch on the ground below.    Orville would unleash a slew of tentacles which would wrap themselves around Zi and Andraz and would drag them back, propelling Orville ahead of them. As he launches himself, Zi catches him with her talons, but is thrown off as Audrey hits her with a korf. In the confusion of the skirmish between the three, Audrey manages to dive downwards and manages to move past the skirmish and take the lead.   Zi uses a spell to send a torrent of wind above her, propelling her downwards whilst pushing both Andraz and Awenir upwards. Audrey and Zi now fall neck and neck as Orville maintains a distant third place, making the effort to catch up as he is caught by Awenir's korf. Meanwhile, Tedduch steps to one side as a korf slowly descends near to where he was standing.   As Zi and Audrey draw closer to the ground, Zi offers to share her victory with Audrey, and the Gnome agrees, the two plummet down together and their fall is slowed by a group of green-clad mages awaiting their descent in the towers of Kirikrest. They fall down together, with Orville Wepple trailing not far behind. Long after them, Andraz would land, and finally Awenir.   Cathal would declare Audrey Wepple and Zi tied winners and they would divide the winnings amongst themselves. With the race concluded, Andraz suggests that they make their way to the Gostinica Rzemieślnik, a hostel, bar and social club built into the cliffs beneath Krepost Karnank.   They registered themselves with a particularly old and irritable female Dwarf who found them each a bed in a shared dormitory on a wooden platform above the meeting hall. During the registry, Zi forgets Orville's surname, prompting Audrey to irritably point out how she claims to love her and yet does not even know her surname. When all had settled in they made their way down to the meeting hall where Orville Wepple was called for a meeting with Captain Ivo by the Assassin of the Gildan Ren.   He is taken for a meeting in a private room found through a deep tunnel through the cliff, with a table and chairs arrayed on a precipice beyond which the cliffs drop down into the woodlands below. Orville takes his seat and Captain Ivo thanks him for his contribution in the battle.    He points out that other employees aboard the Mamnomaga have called him "the Bar Boss" and yet he is not an employee aboard the ship. Orville tries to convince him that he is mistaken, but Captain Ivo is not convinced, sighting a farmiliarity with all those employed in his crew, and also having a ledger that does not include his name. Eventually, Orville would admit that he is not in fact a bartender.    Captain Ivo would question him further and would point out that he served surprisingly well in his position and not only did not steal from the bar but even protected it from others who sought to do so. He decided that Orville was not a thief, or a spy, but simply an idiot, a point which Orville hotly protested. Captain Ivo eventually asked Orville why he wanted to be a bartender, just as he asks why he tried to become Mayor of Yaszaw, he asks him what was the point, but Orville admits that he does not know.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman makes his way into the Gostinica Rzemieślnik's fighting ring in order to train himself. Andraz jumps into the ring with him to engage in the pre-suggested sparring match, but without barely breaking his form, Tedduch throws a number of projectiles that knock Andraz to the floor. Awenir laughs at Andraz for his defeat and credits Teddy for his style.   Zi is approached by the assassin of the Gildan Ren and is brought to speak with Captain Ivo. He uses the meeting to ask them about the bartender Jola and ask them why they would stand against their own kind, a fact that Zi is offended by, pointing out that not all Garuda think and behave the same way. He asks them more about the bartender Jola and they explain why she went to talk to her, and lets slip her belief that Suran-Roa is Ronasura. In turn, Zi asks Captain Ivo what he thinks shopping is the best strategy to amend their issues with Audrey, a question which Captain Ivo refuses to dignify with a response.    Zi returns to the bar and decides to extend her questions to the various patrons, buying two drinks to share with a middle-aged Dwarf reading a newspaper. The Dwarf is not keen to speak but they convince him to eventually relent and they ask him his opinion on Ronasura. He explains that he does not know much about Ronasura, other than that he was a Demon King in the Second Era and was a God of the Venu.    Tedduch is asked to attend the meeting with Captain Ivo during which he asks Tedduch and his companions to accompany him to Istanbrakt, threatening to take them as prisoners if they refuse. He also shows them a wanted poster of Anpu Winkybits and Sarlaren, warning that they can not be trusted, and that they are accused criminals and murderers. When probed by Tedduch he admits that he is yet to form a judgement on the two, but points out that Sarlaren was once a member of the Gildan Ren, but committed crimes that alienated him from the faction. Tedduch wonders what crimes a person could commit to alienate themselves from a Guild of Assassins.
Report Date
26 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location