Campaign 2: Session 14 - The Weeping Virus

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 90XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 60XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Total: 450XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 90XP
  • Killing Blow: 90XP
  • Damage: 65XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Total: 375XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Research: 60XP
  • Bonus XP: 30XP
  • Total: 250XP
Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Research: 60XP
  • Total: 220XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Total: 190XP

Missions/Quests Completed

8th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Orville Wepple wakes up trapped in the mind of Russell Tideborn, and spends days as a captive trapped inside of his life. He watches as Russell takes his newly blossoming cult and begins journeying across The Mastorian Empire.   He departs the forests of Lower Mastoria, passing a herd of animals as he goes. He eventually arrives at the Mastoracza Pass, a crossing between two mountains protected by two fortresses that climb up the parallel mountain faces.   Russell arrives in Yaszaw and there boards the Mamnomaga and begins the journey to Kirikrest to unite with Orville Wepple in the flesh.   Before this journey can go any further, Orville Wepple wakes up and finds himself looking up into a canopy of trees on a misty and chilling day. He finds a man asleep beside him in a boat as they traverse the swamp. Orville looks around to gain a clearer view of what is happening. He realises that there are people walking besides his boat, Anpu Winkybits, Sarlaren, Tedduch Stoutman, Awenir, Zi, Audrey Wepple, The Wretch, Pawel, Captain Ivo, Suran-Roa, Karl, Andrei, and The Gildan Ren Assassin. He also realises that the man beside him in the boat is not sleeping but is dead.   He panics and asks what is going on and the group are startled to see him awake. Pawel catches Orville up on all that he has missed and they continue on their way.   They make their way to the outskirts of Waldabrakt and there see a net held aloft between various spikes. Trapped in the net like flies in a web are Wodnik, skewered and dying. Tedduch takes the opportunity to use them as target practice, launching javelins to slay them. Pawel chastises him for slaying opponents that were trapped and incapable of defending themselves.   Upon entering the city, they are confused to find that the city is seemingly desolate, its streets without any signs of life. As they walk down the street they see a Wodnik emerge from the shadows of a yard and their snarling visage snap backwards as they are restrained by their chains. Tedduch asks Pawel if this is any better than what he did, and Pawel remains silent.   As the group continue further into the city, a Feng walks across the street and distracts them all. Tedduch and Zi are thrown by the odd creature but the rest recognise it as a fairly common form of livestock. Whilst this conversation is ongoing, Anpu notices a small child watching her. As she looks around, the child runs away.   Anpu is curious and tries to pursue the child to enquire what she was afraid of, Sarlaren, Tedduch, Zi, Awenir, and The Wretch decide to follow her. They do not find the child, but they are distracted by a bulletin board which depicts multiple missing persons posters of various people, most of whom are children.   The Wretch decides to ask a guard and he is deeply uncomfortable around The Wretch, a feeling only worsened by the presence of the Garuda Zi. He does however give information and explain that a virus had broken out in the Dystrykt Waldawa. He explains that it manifests by bloating the skin and body until it tightens around the internal organs and crushes them from the inside. In its later stages, the victims will cry tears of blood, hence why it is known as The Weeping Virus.   The guard also explains that the Dystrykt Waldawa burned down three months ago, with all of the buildings barring the Mission of the First Acolyte being destroyed. Three weeks ago the virus begins to spread, and one week ago the district was quarantined entirely.   While this conversation is going on, Tedduch suggests to Sarlaren and Anpu that they take the opportunity to disappear whilst Captain Ivo and his companions are not around. Sarlaren says that they should take that opportunity but can not yet as this is not the safest place to do so.   With the information gathered they agree a plan. Anpu, Tedduch, and Awenir will go to the Hostel Karpa (where the group are staying) along with Pawel, who sought them out to guide them back, in order that they might speak with Captain Ivo. Meanwhile, Orville, Zi, and Sarlaren go together to sneak into and investigate the Dystrykt Waldawa.   The three make their way to the edge of the district and seeing that the bridges are heavily guarded, a plan is made for Zi to fly her allies over the bridge to get a view from above. Before they can depart however, Orville collapses once again. Not wanting to wait for him to wake up, Zi leaves him a note telling him that they are going to the district and insisting that he not follow.   Zi carries Sarlaren over the district but it is hard to get a clear view of the area through the fog. They eventually encircle a watch-tower on the side of the district. They see the door of the tower shut as they move overhead and decide to investigate. They swoop up to the top of the tower and Sarlaren breaks the lock on the trapdoor before the two climb down into the building.   Meanwhile, Russell Tideborn regains control and wanders around the Mamnomaga. Orville asks him who the new bar boss is and Russell goes to investigate, discovering that it is Harald. Orville wants to do something to Harald but before he can he regains control of his own body and wakes up besides the canal. He is frustrated, and notices the note from Zi. He realises that they have gone into the district and decides that the best thing he can do is sneak in there himself.   Zi and Sarlaren agree to split up to explore, with Zi exploring the first floor. She finds her way into a wash-room where she finds two bodies dying in bath-tubs filled with blood. Horrified, Zi rushes to go and find Sarlaren, believing that they need to leave as soon as possible.   Elsewhere, Tedduch, Anpu and Awenir go towards the Branek Rystotina. They struggle to find their way through the city, much less the mist, but seeing a brief gap in the fog, Anpu would spot the castle in the distance and successfully guide herself and her companions through the city.   Along the way, they walk past a strange hooded old man who conceals his features and walks with a hunched back and an unnatural nature. He watches Anpu curiously before continuing on his way.   From the edge of a canal they are forced to climb over a boat to cross a canal and begin the ascent up the stairs towards the castle.   Zi fails to find Sarlaren, but she does find a ruined kitchen, and a common room filled with children's toys, one of which she finds is a puppet with a real hand. Zi is disturbed and backs out of the room, and the toy's eyes follow her as she goes.