Campaign 2: Session 19 - Palliative Care for the Terminally Ill

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Encounters: 683XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Total: 1020XP
  The Wretch
  • Encounters: 83XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Total: 333XP
  • Encounters: 83XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 243XP

Missions/Quests Completed

9th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Wretch manages to subvert the attacks of the Chort as it is distracted in pursuit of Tedduch Stoutman. Adopting the opportunity, the Wretch swims the edge of the Dystrykt Waldawa and successfully makes his way to the fishery.   By the time the Wretch reaches the fishery, Tedduch, Zi, Anpu Winkybits, and Awenir had already arrived and were acquainting themselves with the survivors of the Weeping. The Wretch would emerge from the waters like some gruesome monster climbing the wharf as Tedduch Stoutman stands naked washing himself in the water of the canal.   The group make their way inside and discuss their options for the future. A man named Doctor Bliszko explains how the Weeping first spread and how those few survivors within the fishery were all that remained of the district, and the Weeping was rapidly spreading there too.   The group discuss their options and having read Sarlaren's note, they are inclined to abandon him and retreat back to the wider city to help the people from the outside. Anpu is reluctant to agree to this given that she does not want to abandon Sarlaren but in the end accepts that she would not part from the group as a whole when Sarlaren specifically told her not to follow him.   Awenir is the one that remained and departed the room to sit on the edge of the wharf. The Wretch goes to check on him and he admits that he feels ashamed at the idea of leaving and abandoning the survivors of the Weeping. He looks at a man like Doctor Bliszko and presumes that he has absolutely no right to abandon these people whilst a man like Doctor Bliszko continues to serve until he dies.   The Wretch shares with Awenir the truth of the fact that he killed a child within the Watchtower. He explains that he is afraid of what he might become and believes that he needs Awenir to help him maintain his morality. Awenir thinks about this and once again goes silent.   Inside of the fishery, Tedduch looks around and begins to realise how much the inhabitants of the building are struggling and how close they are to spreading infection. Knowing that their days are likely numbered, and that there is very little he will be able to do to help them in the long-term, Tedduch begins the effort of arranging games and festivities to entertain the survivors.   Tedduch Stoutman arranges competetive games with a make shift dart board and begins staking his own money as a prize to draw in the survivors. Doctor Bliszko brings out more of their alcoholic rations and they take their time enjoying the joy of the evening.   10th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   As the night sets in and festivities draw to a close, the watchers of the fishery discover that the Weeping are beginning to encircle the fishery. As they look outside they see Maria Mulkwast standing amongst the crowd and she orders that Tedduch come out to speak to her.   He talks with the others and Tedduch decides that it is necessary for him to go. Zi agrees to fly overhead, ready to swoop down and lend their aide if it should come to violence. Tedduch makes his way outside and the Weeping part to create a path through their ranks.   As Tedduch tentatively moves between the Weeping, they close the opening behind them to encircle him. Eventually he reaches the edge of the line and finds his path blocked by the Weeping. He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see Maria Mulkwast.   Tedduch and Maria speak and she explains how she once made an accord with Anpu Winkybits, forgetting her complicity in the death of her son Wiktor Mulkwast and even helping her escape the wrath of her Koleda Wlad Mulkwast, all that she asked in exchange was the assistance to let her and her children escape as well. She then explains that she then turned on her, returned to her life and has now murdered her last living son Ywan as well.   She says that she is reasonable and says that justice must be done but this does not have to influence anyone but her foes. She even allows Tedduch to choose. She says that it was Anpu Winkybits and Zi that killed her children and thus it was only they who had to face the consequences, and she would even allow that Tedduch could choose which of the two would be left behind, promising to seek no vengeance upon the other.   Tedduch would plead with her to not do this and would offer to get pregnant and grant her the child when they would come to term, but Maria Mulkwast is utterly disgusted by the suggestion, asking if he would really think that she would just replace her lost son with some random child that has no connection to her. He begs her to take the deal, but in his lowest moment he says that she can't take Zi. Hearing this, Maria Mulkwast says that he has his decision and she turns to depart with the Weeping as Tedduch falls down onto his knees.   Tedduch returns to the fishery in dismay and he explains the deal he was forced to make with Maria Mulkwast. Awenir is visibly disguisted with Tedduch's decision, but Anpu, though upset is vocally supportive of his choice and agrees to use the opportunity to find and save Sarlaren.   The group make preparation to ensure Anpu the best possible chance, using illusion magic to give her some concealment and preparing her for the journey to the Mission of the Ninth Acolyte.   The rest of the group begin making plans to leave, but realise that Awenir will not come with them when they go. They thus use magic to diminish Awenir's size as he stands looking out over the river, and before he has time to argue, Zi grabs him and thrusts up into the sky to fly away from the District.
Report Date
11 Jan 2024
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