Tedduch Stoutman

Tedduch Stoutman (a.k.a. Teddy, Giant's Friend)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

22nd Judarjeń 229 5E   Tedduch Stoutman is born among the Onna tribe of Miellikia, a tribe that worship a great titan and revere Demon-kind as angels, whilst viewing the Elves as the embodiment of evil.   As an adult, Tedduch departs his home to travel and books passage aboard the Mamnomaga. He travels to take a boat south down the River Ojo toward the city of Yaszaw.   Along the way he meets a Garuda called Zi and he convinces her to travel with him.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Tedduch and Zi arrive in the city of Yaszaw. There they meet Orville Wepple, Thalmun Burrowale, and the Wretch. With his new companions, Tedduch Stoutman boards the Mamnomaga.   Prior to boarding, Tedduch meets the Giant Amaruk and impresses him with his grasp of the Giant language. Amaruk calls him "Giant's Friend" and Tedduch boards the train swelling with pride.   Along the way, Teddy meets more of his fellow passengers including the Rakshasa Anpu Winkybits, the mother of Orville Wepple named Audrey Wepple, a portly Rakshasa named Suran-Roa, an untrustworthy Gnome named Sarlaren, and a residential healer named Awenir.   He also earns prestige when he, Zi, and the Wretch sign up to fight in the Mamnomaga's fighting pit, there facing the reigning champion Pawel.   Shortly following the contest, the Mamnomaga would crash to a halt, an event which is unprecedented within the history of the train. Tedduch would however be fading in and out of consciousness, and would spend the remainder of his evening being treated by the healer Awenir.   2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   The next day, Teddy conspires alongside many of his fellow passengers to investigate the crash. He provides a distraction, befriending the guards Karl, Andrei, and the Giant Arnak whilst Thalmun Burrowale sneaks around them to survey the Mamnomaga's Crystal Chamber.   Thalmun discovers that the Crystal Obelisk had been sabotaged and deduced that a Giant must have been responsible. Before he can disclose this information however, the spectral image of the Thirteenth Paragon would appear in the Mamnomaga's Communication Crystals.   The Thirteenth Paragon would threaten dire consequences for the passengers of the Mamnomaga if they did not hand over the Demon Ronasura. As the train went into lockdown and prepared its defences, Teddy worked with the group to deduce the identity of the Demon and track down Ronasura (hiding under the guise of Suran Roa).   Upon meeting Ronasura, the Wretch pledges his loyalty to him and convinces the reluctant Teddy and Anpu to aide their defence as well. Teddy accompanies the two to confront the Thirteenth Paragon, marching through the assembled battle lines of giants and sentries poised in the Mamnomaga's defence and there in the field beyond the trainline they face the Tagaran that Anpu would later identify as Neya.   Upon hearing the group's refusal to hand over Suran-Roa, the Thirteenth Paragon conjures a fleet of Garuda to rain chaos across the Mamnomaga's battle lines, accompanied by a pack of undead Giants.   In the course of the skirmish, Tedduch Stoutman successfully kills the Thirteenth Paragon when the Giant Amaruk launches him through the air over his head, and he is able to arc his body and throw projectiles into the Tagaran's skull as he fights below him.   Following this, Teddy plays his part in besting the enemy, though watches helplessly as the Giant Arnak is betrayed by a Giant of the Mamnomaga's own mammoth riders, who dashes his head with her club.   When the fighting draws to a close, the treachorous Giant is taken hostage as a fleet of Wyvern emerge to engage the Garuda. Few survive the onslaught, and Teddy watches as an assassin of the Gildan Ren lands along with a team of Wyvern riders.   Teddy returns to the carriages where he rests and enjoys the company of his new companions as the Mamnomaga continues its journey to the town of Kirikrest.   3rd Spriarjeń 269 5E   Arriving in the town of Kirikrest, Teddy is convinced to accompany the Captain Iwo of the Mamnomaga as he escorts Ronasura to the Mastorian capital of Istanbrakt for an inquest into what happened on the Mamnomaga. He travels alongside Anpu Winkybits, Sarlaren, Awenir, Pawel, Orville Wepple, Audrey Wepple, Zi, Karl, Andrei, the Assassin of the Gildan Ren, and the treachorous Giant Aurora who was taken as a hostage to be questioned. The Wretch would join them later as well, and they would find themselves guided by two Reedlings named Anastasia and Vasil. Thalmun Burrowale and Amaruk meanwhile bid farewell and continue their journey on the Mamnomaga.   7th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The party decide to travel along the Rewa Garundas so as to evade the notice of any other violent cultists that might be hunting them along the route of the Mamnomaga.   They travel for days and are slowed down by their guide Anastasia's fear of water. Nonetheless, the group reach the Bognoza Wodnika.   The group are separated aboard multiple river skiffs, but the skiffs are divided when they get lost in a wall of mist. Teddy, Zi, Audrey Wepple, Anpu Winkybits, and Anastasia follow a light that they believe is attached to the skiff in front of them. Instead, they are lured into the trap of an Alkonost and are swarmed by multiple Wodnik.   The group manage to fight free and make their escape, but not before Anastasia is killed and devoured, and Audrey Wepple's skull is cracked, and her flesh peeled away.   Fearing for Audrey's safety, the group seek the aide of a travelling old woman who helps them evade the Wodnik and tends to the injuries of Audrey Wepple.   As Audrey rests, Teddy speaks to the woman. She identifies herself as Barbara and over time it becomes apparent that there is more to her than meets the eye. He introduces her to the Giant Book that has been in his company since he left Onna Creek, and the two get on well, a fact which encourages her to give him access to a strange book.   Upon reading this book, Teddy gains a brief and intense glimpse of the Multiverse, an overwhelming spectacle which for sometime seems to completely shatter his psyche.   8th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Upon waking up, Teddy and the group part ways with Barbara and continue on their journey. Along the way they reunite with the rest of the party and find that an escaped Aurora was in the process of trying to kill Captain Iwo, Suran-Roa, the Gildan Ren Assassin, Karl, and Andrei.   Teddy and Zi rush to intervene and convince Aurora to value their own life, to find for herself a future away from the cruelty and injustice that she has suffered. He offers her a place welcomed into the Onna Tribe and he convinces her, in place of a brutal conflict, the Giant turns and runs away.
Current Status
Travelling to Istanbrakt.
Current Location
Date of Birth
22nd Judarjeń 229 5E
Onna Creek
Blue sclera with black pupils
Dark Brown, sleeked back in a small ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation