Campaign 2: Session 27 - Chutes and Slides

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman  
  • Attendance: 100
  • Skills: 420
  • Encounter: 667
  • Peril: 283
  • Total: 1470
  The Wretch  
  • Attendance: 100
  • Skills: 240
  • Encounter: 667
  • Peril: 283
  • Damage: 16
  • MVP: 300
  • Total: 1606
  Thalmun Burrowale  
  • Attendance: 100
  • Bonus: 100
  • Skills: -60
  • Total: 140
  • Attendance: 100
  • Bonus: 100
  • Total: 200

Missions/Quests Completed

11th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Following Zi's flight from the Bramek Rystotin, they arc around the edge of the castle and flee east whilst the watchmen fire from the ramparts. They evade their shots and glide to safety.   The Garuda flies with a mountain to her right, and a river to her left, flying for near half an hour before arcing across the river to perch herself in a tree so as to rest.   As they moved to settle themselves, they collided with a pigeon. The pigeon was trapped begrudgingly within the Garuda's feathers, and was very keen to make their displeasure known.   The Garuda perched on a tree with view of both the road to Istanbrakt and the Rewa Ojo. Incapable of hunting any food or foraging any berries, the Garuda delves into their own rations, and shares them with the irritable pigeon as well.   Meanwhile, as Zi flees the city, Thalmun remains largely unnoticed by the guards who fail to recognise him. As the guards move down into the city of Waldabrakt, Thalmun follows them, keen to pursue the mysterious prophecy of the six crowns.   Logically, Thalmun assumes that the prophecy should take him to the capital city of Istanbrakt, where the Imperator might wear his crown. As he follows, he notices the supply chute that carries supplies up and down from the docks to the Bramek Rystotin.   Thalmun is enthusiastic at the sight of this chute and decides to take it as a slide. The Dwarf jumps onto his shield and begins his exciting descent. He loses control repeatedly, clattering against the walls and spinning uncontrollably, until he is thrown from the shield and sent scraping chest-first down into the dock below.   The guards look at him exasperatedly, and point out with irritation that this was the second time this had happened in as many days.   Thalmun then makes his way to the pier, and attempts to board an Imperial battleship. The guards there stop him and tell him that the ship is not going anywhere, and that he was not authorised to gain access.   Thalmun bickers with the two guards for some time, questioning the credentials of one, whilst also winning some leeway with the other one named Yusef. Eventually however, he realises that he might need a uniform and evidence of his credentials to board, and even then is aware that the ship will not depart at that time. Regardless, Thalmun wanders off in search of a uniform.   Meanwhile, in the Dystrykt Waldawa, Tedduch Stoutman, the Wretch, Awenir, and Pawel make their way down into the depths of the watchtower and from their they use magic to modify their size and drop down into the sewage tunnel.   They emerge in the junction between multiple sewage pipes and devise a plan to drop down from the exhaust pipe that emerges into the canal.   As the group discuss what to do next, the Wretch calls Pawel a monk and he points out that he is not nor has he ever been a monk. They ask him more questions about his life and he explains that he was raised in the city of Nabos and is proficient in the Nabosi martial arts.   The group eventually make the dive down into the exhaust pipe, a matter which comes to be complicated when Awenir is jammed inside of the pipe. The Wretch breaks him free by blasting him with a thunder strike which creates the necessary force to propel him into the canal.   From outside, the group carefully and very quietly swim over the rubble of the broken bridge and beneath the fire of the Plague Trooper's flamethrowers. They begin to swim across the Rewa Ojo and for a time, it appears that their safety is assured, however they quickly realise that they had failed to take into account the Chort that patrols the water.   The monster sets upon the group, and the Wretch is the first caught in the monster's path. With little chance to defend himself, the Wretch is savaged and knocked unconscious, a tooth tearing out a chunk of his head and costing him his eye.   Awenir manages to use his magic to bring the Wretch back to consciousness, and the two prepare to engage the beast. Awenir and Pawel continue to swim, blissfully unaware of the peril that is impacting the rest of the group. Teddy sees the violence, but feeling he has no way to help his friend, he instead abandons him and joins the desperate flight to the opposing shore.   Being a strong swimmer, Teddy quickly catches up with Pawel, and as the man sees him, he further notices the absence of the remaining party members and realises the peril behind him, he turns back and in the light of a meteorite he spots the Chort mauling the Wretch and turns, propelling himself back towards the fray.   Even as the Wretch wakes up, he is set upon once again as the monster tears into his flesh. Once again he fades in and out of consciousness, but Awenir rushes forward and uses his magic to stabilise him yet again, before pushing him aside and placing himself between the Chort and the Wretch.   Seeing the fight as hopeless and lost, the Wretch is forced to make a choice, to attempt to save Awenir and risk them both in one last desperate bid, or abandon his friend to save himself. The Wretch chooses the latter, and begins to swim to safety.
Report Date
21 Mar 2024