
Pawel is the champion of the Mamnomaga fighting pit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At some point Pawel began fighting in the Mamnomaga fighting pit and drinking at it's bar. He would eventually rise to become the champion of Mamnomaga fighting pits.   1st SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Pawel is convinced to fight in the fighting pit against three new opponents, a Garuda named Zi, a Gnome named Tedduch Stoutman and a strange creature of unknown origin known only as the Wretch. Pawel consents and enters the ring and is disappointed to see two of the fighters clearly under the influence of drugs. He fights them with impressive martial ability and keeps all three of them at bay for some time, however in spite of his expectations, the three are able to overpower him and knock him unconscious.