Campaign 2: Session 34 - The Shopping Episode

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 390XP
  • Total: 490XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 0XP
  • Total: 100XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 270XP
  • Total: 370XP

Missions/Quests Completed

18th Spriarjeń 269 5E   As the Wretch disappeared in pursuit of a mysterious Kimpurusha, the rest of the party remained to haggle with the tent of the Eluatan Wizards. The most outspoken of the Eluatan Wizards introduced themself as Dolgöön.   Thalmun Burrowale would negotiate the acquisition of a number of supplies with which he might begin the construction of his Heavy Kinetic Weapon. He would purchase a supply of silver, a GEMSTONE (TBA), and oil. Dolgöön would not be able to provide all of the supplies that Thalmun would require, he would refer him to various vendors within the district that might be able to provide the resources that he required.   Next, Zi would negotiate to buy themselves enchanted bracers that might help to defend them in combat. Dolgöön would provide these, a magical artefact that would create a repulsive magnetic field that would help to repel violent assaults. Dolgöön would offer a charge of fourty-five gold, three silvers and four coppers for the bracers. Zi would counter-offer with the suggestion that their name recognition as the champion of the melee would raise awareness to the brand of the Eluatan Wizards if they were seen around wearing their products. Dolgöön would consider Zi's offer and though they would be reluctant to accept such an arrangement at first, they would eventually offer a discount if they were able to make it into and compete within the impending Grand Tournament. Dolgöön would offer to cut a fifth of the cost from the price of the bracers for every public contest in which Zi was able to achieve victory. Zi would only agree to consider the deal.   With this bargain struck, Tedduch Stoutman would buy a Circlet of Intellect for fourty-five gold and five coppers. To ensure that Teddy is dealing fairly, Dolgöön summons a small serpent from his sleeve named Karsu which would assess Teddy's gold pouch and also would crawl over Teddy's arm. Teddy only treats Karsu with affection and Dolgöön is surprised and impressed as to how much affection Karsu shows to Teddy in turn.   Whilst the rest of the group are in the process of negotiating, Thalmun Burrowale notices an interesting pair of goggles in a chest within the Eluatan tent, and he makes his way over to the chest in order to investigate. Thalmun brazenly walks over to the chest and reaches down to examine the goggles, and as quickly as he does, the chest snaps down on his wrist with gnarled metal fangs.   Thalmun cries out to get it off but try as he might he can not pry his arm free from the snapping fangs of the chest. Eventually, after the rendering of a grim and bloody wound, Dolgöön would pull the chest off of him and scolds Thalmun for trying to rob him. When Thalmun explains that he was just interested and offers to buy them, Dolgöön charges them fifty gold. He explains that the goggles and incendiary and will unleash hot beams of energy that can be fired at enemies.   With the end of their transactions, the group would accompany Thalmun around the stadium's thriving market to purchase the remaining supplies that he requires for his designs.   With these trades concluded, Zi would find a florist in the heart of the central pitch, and there would meet a Gnome woman named Bru whom Teddy would recognise as a woman who was once married to his Uncle. The two would excitedly talk for some time and reminisce about Onna Creek, remembering Teddy's friend Bill Tellian, the explosives expert Bobby Powder, and how the people there used to ride unicycles.    With this conversation done, Bru would return to negotiations with Zi and would offer a discount for a bouquet of blue and purple flowers native to Onna Creek, though Teddy would insist that they should not be given favourable prices due to their friendship and they should instead pay the full price. Zi would buy the bouquet and would gift it to Audrey, along with the gift card for treatment by the Eluatan masseuse.   With all of this done, the party would find a rolling bar on the pitch of the Stadion Milena and would sit together on its seats whilst the driver named Salyan would race them through the stadium.    The rolling bar was driven by a hyper-enthusiastic yak that would race vigorously forth and into the stands, twisting and turning left and right ascending higher and higher up the steps as they went. Along the way, the reckless abandon of Salyan and his yak would see the group slammed into multiple walls as they twisted sharply around the corners. Thalmun would be impacted by this the worst of the group, slamming aggressively into walls and sustaining brutal bumps and bruises.    Meanwhile, as the rolling bar would race through the stadium, the driver would shout to the many bars along the way, and the group would have to react quickly as bottles and pitchers of various alcoholic substances would be offered up to them.   The route of the rolling bar would see them climb to the top of the stands before descending back down at ferocious pace and slamming back into the pitch. They would then cross down into the subterranean level before emerging out into the square beyond the stadium.   Crowds would scatter to make way as Salyan would rush them through the square, though this would end abrubtly as he would be forced to swerve to one side, with Thalmun slamming a shoulder into some solid object that would eventually throw him from his seat and send him crashing into a cluster of barrels. The barrels would break, and Thalmun would slide down into a pile of grain, accompanied by the body of Orville Wepple who it seemed had been stuffed inside one of the barrels.   The rest of the group would grind to a halt in an alleyway adjacent to the street, and while Salyan would offer his most sincere apologies, the group would look back to see that the solid object that had sent them askew was in fact a fleet of Mammoths migrating towards the Stadion Milena, mounted by a score of Giants.
Report Date
09 May 2024
Primary Location
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