Campaign 2: Session 36 - Mammoth Kart

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Damage: 206XP
  • Encounter: 375XP
  • Enemies: 235XP
  • Kills: 235XP
  • MVP: 350XP
  • Skills: 210XP
  • Total: 1711XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Damage: 221XP
  • Encounter: 375XP
  • Enemies: 235XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Total: 1081XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Damage: 30XP
  • Encounter: 375XP
  • Enemies: 235XP
  • Kills: 10XP
  • Skills: 180XP
  • Total: 930XP

Missions/Quests Completed

18th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   A brutal mammoth race engulfs the Stadion Milena. Tedduch and Amaruq maintain a strong lead that only grows as the race progresses.   Anik and Zi at first seem ready to catch up, however the bear that once carried Thalmun Burrowale catches them up and unleashes a flock of Domowik that distract and dissuade Anik. The Giant and Garuda throw the Domowik from their mount, but not before they are made to grind to a halt.   As the bear barrels ahead, Anik and Zi begin to move again and Zi is able to hurl clubs at their mammoth and effectively knock them out, throwing the bear from their mount.    As the race progresses, the Mentor Margareeta overtakes Anik and the rest of the competition and is able to take up the position in second place, but far away from the frontrunner.   Multiple Giants launch boulders at Teddy, Ariel, and Amaruq, almost knocking them down but being too slow to stop them crossing over the finish line.   By the end of the race, Amaruq would be declared the victor, followed by the Half-Giant Mentor Margareeta, and with the Giant Anik coming in at third.
Report Date
12 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location