
A Dwarven archeologist from the city of Abrenik.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gunnar received serious burns prior to becoming an archeologist.   4th Wintarjeń 269 5E   Gunnar became part of an archeological expedition venturing onto the surface of Upper Mastoria. They travelled to a ruin wherein they found a trove of historical artefacts.   30th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   On their way back to Abrenik, Gunnar and his companions pass through the city of Yaszaw and book tickets to board the Mamnomaga. They stay in the Hostel Harmonia in a shared dormitory.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   In the night, Gunnar is startled awake by his colleague Thalmun Burrowale who wakes from a lucid nightmare. In the confusion, they notice that the chest with all their archeological discoveries has been unlocked, and they find a Gnome in the process of robbing them.   The Gnome tries to persuade them all that it is simply a misunderstanding, however Thalmun grabs him and pulls him into the room. He takes the Gnome's satchel and returns what he stole to the chest. The Gnome attempts to slip a disc from the satchel, but Thalmun notices. Rather than throw the Gnome from the window as his colleague Balder suggests, the Dwarf takes the Gnome out in search of a bar.   Whilst Thalmun leaves to deal with the Gnome named Orville Wepple, Gunnar and his companions go back to sleep. The next day they take a wagon to the Mamnomaga Station. They board the train and begin their journey.   Later in the evening, Gunnar accompanies the other Dwarves to watch a fight in the fighting pit. He offers himself up as a combatant, and is present as a team of Zi, Tedduch Stoutman and the Wretch best the champion Pawel in combat.