Campaign 2: Session 3 - The Fighting Pits

Rewards Granted

1. Zi
  • General Session: 100XP 
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Damage: 61XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Total: 311XP
2. Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP 
  • Damage: 61XP 
  • Activities: 40XP
  • Successful Death Saves: 20XP
  • Failed Death Saves: -10XP
  • Total: 211XP
3. The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 61XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 181XP 

Missions/Quests Completed

1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Tedduch Stoutman leaves the Book of the Giant with Thalmun Burrowale before he pursues the promise of a fighting pit aboard the Mamnomaga. The Wretch waits patiently in his room until he can no longer be caught eavesdropping, then he abandons his room to go to the fighting pits. Meanwhile, Zi makes her way to the common room to mingle with the other passengers.   Zi orders three shots of wodka at the bar and makes her way to one of the tables to join two elderly gentlemen, one of whom is swaying and is concealed beneath a hood. As she sits down she sees the man's bloodshot eyes and gray skin and realises that he is a reanimated corpse. The living man introduces himself as Kestus Starkerow, and the zombie as his brother Daniel Starkerow. He explains that his brother died in the city of Vos Bison and is being taken to be interred in the Starkerow Hall of Faces. When asked why the man would be reanimated, Kestus responds that corpses are heavy, and it is far simpler for Daniel to walk himself. He asks why Zi left Onna, and she explains that she left to learn to control her anger. When their conversation reaches an end, Zi darts away before Daniel can bite her arm and she goes with The Wretch and Tedduch Stoutman to the fighting pits.    Tedduch Stoutman, and Zi start to talk with The Wretch. The Wretch sees that Tedduch is in the company of a Garuda and mistakes him for nobility, Tedduch corrects him and reveals that he was previously a fisherman. The Wretch does not share his real name or his origin.   From within the room, Tedduch makes his way to the bar to the bar and waits patiently in line behind a particularly talkative Rakshasa. When finally the portly Rakshasa departs, Tedduch Stoutman suggests that he and his companions should fight together in the pit. The bartender offers a fight with three Dwarves (three of the four accompanying Thalmun Burrowale), or a possible fight united against the champion of the Mamnomaga. Tedduch suggests that they fight all four at the same time, but the rest of the group talk him out of it in favour of fighting the champion.   The champion Pawel accepts the challenge and the fight is agreed to take place in fifteen minutes. Each of the fighters puts down an amount of gold to bet on themselves. The Wretch spots Sarlaren in deep conversation with a questionable looking individual. Zi notices this too and approaches the individual. As she spots him selling a strange substance to others in the carriage, she asks to buy some herself. He refuses but she talks him round. She tries to use the drug to spike the drink of Pawel, but before he can drink it, Tedduch Stoutman drinks the entire thing.   The group make their way to a very impatient quartermaster called Gorm who very hastily presents them with various blunt weapons to wield in the arena. Before they enter the arena, Zi sees Audrey Wepple among the crowd and she approaches her for luck. Audrey promises to get her berry knots when the fight is over. Tedduch meanwhile collapses into the pit as the influence of the drugs takes over his body and the euphoria sets in. He is unphased and only laughs, with Pawel looking increasingly bored and disappointed.   The bartender takes a place on a wooden platform overlooking the ring and she announces the start of the fight. Pawel lashes forward with unnatural speed, he stuns Zi and The Wretch, twisting The Wretch's ankle before retreating backwards. Tedduch manages to swipe at the warrior's feet, piercing his ankle as he goes.    The fight between the three rages on, though Pawel is faster and stronger, the three work together in unison, pushing him to his limit. He manages to knock Tedduch Stoutman temporarily unconscious and knock Zi onto her back but try as he might he can not gain the upper hand.   Little by little, as Tedduch returns to consciousness, they are able to overwhelm Pawel, and Zi is able to knock him unconscious with a decisive blow to the head.   The crowd erupts into applause and in a show of respect, the trio lift the concussed Pawel between them, portraying him as a fellow victor amongst the crowd.    Their victory is short-lived however as the Mamnomaga is halted by a sudden jolting crash. The platform collapses sending the bartender hurtling into the pit alongside the stunned portly Rakshasa. Audrey Wepple falls in as well, but she is caught and shielded from the crash by Zi.


Gained Lost
Zi 4 Silver 3 Silver
1 Copper
Tedduch Stoutman 2 Gold 4 Gold
The Wretch 4 Silver 8 Silver
Report Date
06 Sep 2023