Campaign 2: Session 1 - Six Crowns

Rewards Granted

1. Orville Wepple;
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Man of the Match: 100XP
  • Activities: 20 XP
  • Total: 220XP
2. Thalmun Burrowale;
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Successful Crafting: 20XP
  • Activities:20XP
  • Damage: 10XP
  • Total: 150XP
3. Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Damage: 1XP
  • Total: 121XP
4. Zi
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP
4. The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Total: 120XP

Missions/Quests Completed

1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Thalmun Burrowale wakes up in a snow-covered field concealed by smoke. As he walks across the field his foot hits a corpse. He inspects it and finds that it is the body of a dead Mastorian soldier, his throat slashed by the blade of an axe.   As he looks around he finds more bodies strewn about the field and realises that he is walking through a field of battle. As he crosses the field he notices a silver crown inlain with emeralds floating above the battlefield. He approaches it and reaches for it but it remains constantly beyond his reach. Before long he sees another crown, this one a band of iron with crowned spikes. Then again a third crown that is platinum and inlaid with various extravegant and beautiful gemstones. The fourth is more a helmet, but with tall spikes that mark it as a crown. A fifth crown appears as well, this one woven of interwined tree roots.    The five crowns rotate around Thalmun Burrowale, ever out of his reach until finally a fire consumes the field of battle. A fire which consumes everything around him, including the crowns, and then eventually consumes his own flesh. He lets out a scream, and in the heart of the flames he sees a crown made of fire.   He wakes up screaming, rousing the other Dwarves in his room awake. They panic at what is happening and in the confusion they realise that their treasure chest is open and its contents has been stolen. They look around for the perpetrator and spot a Gnome on the window sill making his escape.   The Gnome tries to claim it was all a misunderstanding, but before he could talk his way down or make his escape, Thalmun rushes forward and grabs the Gnome, pulling him into the room. The Gnome explains that he needs the artefacts that the Dwarves had collected for a very important reason.   One of the Dwarves named Balder suggests that they simply take what the Gnome had stolen and throw him back out of the window. Thalmun however is intrigued by him and decides to take him for a drink.   Elsewhere, a Gnome named Tedduch Stoutman and a Garuda named Zi take a ferry south down the Rewa Ojo, arriving at the river-port of Yaszaw. From here they speak to the ferry-master about where to find the best food. He suggests that they visit Harmony Square, which irritates Tedduch who had hoped for something more specific. The two bicker until finally they go their separate ways (with Tedduch refusing to tip the man). The two then begin their journey through the city in search of Harmony Square.   An individual who bares the resemblance to a putrid and decaying turtle arrives at the gate of Yaszaw. The guards are reluctant to let him into the city, but direct him to seek out accomodation at the Hostel Harmonia  Thalmun Burrowale takes the Gnome to a bar and there the two speak. The Gnome tries to explain that his name is "Or, and then "Ville". It takes some time for Thalmun to realise that this Gnome is called Orville Wepple, and that he can only speak in monosyllabic words.    When asked, Orville Wepple admits that he has no reason to want the Dwarves treasure beyond simple curiosity. While Thalmun Burrowale is amused by the Gnome, he insists that the treasures are artefacts brought from an archeological research site. He insists that Orville should return the items to him, and Orville does so for most of the objects, however he opts to try and steal an onyx disc from the loot.   The onyx disc shows a carving of a dragon, and as Orville Wepple slips it away, it's eyes open and ruby eyes observe him with a blazing look. Thalmun notices that Orville has kept the disc and insists that he hand it over.   Elsewhere, Tedduch Stoutman and Zi get lost in The Craftsman's Haven and fail to find their way to Harmony Square. Eventually Zi flies above the city and finds the route. When they arrive, they find Sylwi's Soup House. Zi and Tedduch both order a liquer called Ruszka. Also, Tedduch orders a cabbage roll called Golubtsi whilst Zi orders a sweet dish called Kutia.   Tedduch Stoutman also takes time to flirt with the proprieter Sylwi, though she rejects his advances.   The Wretch arrives at the Hostel Harmonia and books a bed before sitting down and ordering a Cabbage Soup. Orville Wepple and Thalmun Burrowale return to the hostel at this point. The two had made a deal that Thalmun would make a set of Chattering Iron Teeth for Orville in exchange for him returning the disc.   When Thalmun finishes developing the iron teeth, he hands them to Orville who makes it appear that he is handing him the disc, but with a sleight of hand he instead hands him a round rock. Thalmun does not notice and pockets the disc.   The other Dwarves make their way downstairs for breakfast, and Thalmun asks Balder to take the disc upstairs to keep with the other archealogical artefacts, and removes it from his coat only to discover Orville's trickery. He convinces the Gnome to return the disc to him and personally takes it upstairs.   Eventually The Wretch makes his way upstairs as well, as meanwhile Tedduch Stoutman and Zi arrive at the Hostel Harmonia and book out beds to stay in. In the mid-afternoon, the various groups prepare for the journey to the Mamnomaga Station.   Thalmun Burrowale travels with Balder and the other Dwarves in a rented wagon whilst Zi, Tedduch Stoutman and The Wretch travel across the city's upper levels, reaching the station via zipline (with the exception of Zi who flies).    When the group make their way through the ticket stations, The Wretch looks at the notice board and spots bounties for Anpu Winkybits, Sarlaren, Pallof Gimgy, Yahn, Doctor Ada Arztin, Doctor Walmdas Kluw, Doctor Wiliam Wosow, Doctor Redna Hennigar, Nadia Storme, Wlad Mulkwast, Walerija Mulkwast, Maria Mulkwast, Ywan Mulkwast and Olena Mulkwast.   The Mamnomaga pulls into the station shortly thereafter and as Tedduch Stoutman approaches the train, a ghost emerges from a carousel to meet him.

Character(s) interacted with