Kestus Starkerow

A Human Necromancer who is a member of the Starkerow of the Fourth Circle. He is the brother of Daniel Starkerow.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Prior to this date, Daniel Starkerow died in the city of Vos Bison. Kestus Starkerow endeavoured to return his body to be laid to rest in the Starkerow Hall of Faces. Before departing Vos Bison however, Kestus used Necromancy to reanimate his brother's corpse, ensuring that he would not have to carry him on their journey.   They travel via the Mamnomaga, passing through Yaszaw on 1st Spriarjeń 269 5E. The Garuda Zi moves around the common area of the Mamnomaga meeting the various passengers, she introduces herself to Kestus Starkerow. She realises that Daniel Starkerow is dead and Kestus explains their situation before sharing a shot of wodka with her.