
The Mamnomaga is a type of Supplicant train that operates in the northern continent of Thallia. They are lightened, and their dimensions distorted by magic and enchantments and they are hauled by a fleet of mammoths.  



First Era

  The Mamnomaga was originally one of the Supplicants, used by the Elves to distribute resources across The Pauri Empire.  

Second Era

  The Supplicants of Thallia would be captured by the various off-springs of the Grand Army of the Thall. They would become a vital source of transportation and commerce, hauling huge quantities of individuals and resources, and as such would be of vital strategic importance.   As a consequence, wars would be waged to control the Crystal Road and the various supplicants that move among it. It is in this time that the train began to be referred to as the "Mamnomaga" in various ancient texts, as the magic of the old Elven runes begins to wear off and a fleet of mammoths replace the diminishing magic that once hauled the vehicle.   As a result of the conflicts over the Mamnomaga and Crystal Road, it would become a vital route of trade, and would often act as the border between various provinces and petty-kingdoms. The only point along the Mamnomaga's route that remained largely peaceful was the route that ran through the wild plains of Eluatu.   Eventually, Kari of Nabos, a Nabomark priestess claiming to be the descendant of Alvar of Nabos would conquer the Crystal Road all the way from Vos Bison to northern Eluatu. She would use the fleet of Mamnomaga to haul resources across the continent and would prepare an army she claimed to be the reincarnated Grand Army of the Thall so that it might be marched to wage war against the Elves. This army would eventually deploy a single Mamnomaga as the spear-head of a vast marching army comprised of Dwarves, Giants, Humans and Gnomes. Only three survivors would return, and this Mamnomaga train would be lost. The Warden of the East would be constructed shortly after this catastrophe, and this would form the final stop for the Crystal Road outside of The Pauri Empire, with the city of Khelunkharl forming at the end of the track.   Following the disappearance of Kari of Nabos, her empire would crumble and would be overrun by the various squabbling factions that dominate the continent, with the fleet of Mamnomaga, and the Crystal Road on which they travel once again become fractured and divided amongst a myriad of warring factions.   The Mamnomaga once again come under a single ownership when Du Khaan unites the four warring kingdoms of Thallia and leads a genocide against the Drakol-Ur. He forms the Khanian Empire, and establishes the Crystal Road as a vital link across his newfound Empire.  

The Fourth Era

  Following the disappearance of Du Khaan and the collapse of the Khanian Empire, the Mamnomaga fleet once again descends into factions until once again the continent of Thallia is brought again into common rule. The Mastoracza Dynasty form The Mastorian Empire, and the Mamnomaga come under the responsibility of the Gyldan Barka, the Guild of Transportation. The Mamnomaga began to run on a daily schedule, travelling across The Mastorian Empire from the city of Brakonsky to the city of Khelunkharl.
Creation Date
First Era
Current location