


Fauna & Flora

Bauk: Creatures that inhabit the subterranean regions of Lower Mastoria, only emerging at night to hunt and kill on the surface.
Dwarves: The Dwarves inhabit various city-states buried deep in subterranean civilisations. They have further begun to interact with the human civilisations of the surface and have begun to integrate with their populations.
Elves: Elves predominantly live in refugee camps populating the land outside of the continent's various cities. 
Feng: A commonly domesticated source of food for the population of the continent. 
Giants: Giants live in nomadic tribes that wander across the hinterland of Upper Mastoria, and also have prominent tribes within the mountains of Lower Mastoria, Eluatu, Hakonia and Miellikia. Many Giants have developed good working relations with the dominant Humans and have become part of their societies.
Gnomes: The Gnomes are the dominant population of Miellikia, where they live in five powerful tribes. They live in settlements built around the roots and tops of trees. Many Gnomes have migrated to interact with and integrate with the human populations of the Mastorian Empire.
Half-Giants: Being so closely connected, the Humans and Giants of Thallia have interbred over time, forming new communities of Half-Giants that are prominent among various populations. 
Humans: The most prominent species in the provinces of Upper Mastoria, Lower Mastoria, Hakonia, Eluatu and Inkbar. 
Rakshasa: The Rakshasa rule over the various petty-kingdoms that comprise the province of Inkbar.
Rusalka: The Rusalka migrate around the waterways of Upper Mastoria and Lower Mastoria. 
Garuda: The Garuda dwell in Inkbar where they are enslaved as warrior-servants of the Rakshasa nobility. They also dwell with the Onna, one of the five great tribes of Miellikia, and there coexist alongside the Gnomes.
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