The Mastorian Empire (ðə mæstɔ:æʧæ empaɪə)


  Imperator: The supreme leader of the Empire, and the matriarch or patriarch of the Mastoracza Dynasty. The Imperator gets the final say on any and all decisions related to the governance of their realm. They are only limited by the faith, whom control all religious lands and have autonomy to enforce laws in those areas.
The Holy Congress: Comprising a group of three Proctors, who each act as the heads of the Dallan faith in the Mastoracza Empire and are responsible for the faith's governance. All religious lands within the Mastoracza Empire are considered independent of the Imperator and are under the sole governance of the faith. The three Proctors inhabit the cities of Vos Bison, Instanbrakt, and Nabos respectively.
Grand-Prince/Grand-Princess: Members of the royal family who are bestowed the duty of the Governor-General take on the title of Grand-Prince or Grand-Princess. The title can also be held by the selected heir of the Imperator who shall also be known as Prince-Apparent or Princess-Apparent.
The Grand Council: A group of one-hundred-and-seventeen elected officials from across the Empire, selected by various methods. They act as a body to advise the Imperator.
Governorates: Provinces of the Mastoracza Empire. Each Province is ruled over by a Governor-General, and each region within the Province is ruled over by a Governor.
The Protectorates: These are lands that pay tribute to the Mastoracza Empire in exchange for their protection. These Protectorates are considered a part of the Mastoracza Empire, though they maintain their own autonomy as a state. These can be presided over by rulers of any title.



  With the rising industrialisation of the Mastorian Empire and the autonomy of the Golems working within the factories, the less educated population moved in large swathes into the countryside to take up work in the agriculture and mining sectors. This meant that the cities of Upper Mastoria became centers of education, religion, and culture. There are many universities, fanes, restaurants, and libraries.   Outside of the cities, smaller communities have sprouted up across the countryside as mining towns and farming communities. These keep with many of the Third Age traditions, and there are many who whisper about the return of Du Khaan. They are known to enjoy many local festivals and celebrations unique to their own people. They are considered primitive and back-water by many of the city dwellers, whereas they in turn typically perceive them as isolated and unaware of the Empire's true population and struggles.


The Mastorian Empire has a standing army known as the Mastorian Armed Forces. They have around nine-hundred-thousand regular soldiers spread across the Empire with further two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand irregular soldiers on standby for times of war.

Demography and Population

Total Population of the Empire: 155,000,000
  • Population of Eluatu: 25,000,000
  • Population of Upper Mastoria: 90,000,000
  • Population of Lower Mastoria: 10,000,000
  • Population of Zenosh: 30,000,000
Total Population of the Protectorates: 7,000,000
  • Population of Hakonia: 5,000,000
  • Population of Miellikia: 2,000,000



  The province of Eluatu stands as the Mastorian Empire's easternmost frontier, a border between them and the Elven Lands. Along their border lies the Warden of the East, a great wall to protect the "Free People" against Elven aggression. This wall is guarded by the Khelun Ordu, an order of warriors that have been tasked with the protection of the Warden since the Second Era.   The Empire helps to reinforce the Warden of the East and trades with the Eluatu for their minerals (most prominently gold, coal, and copper), as well as their yak herds. Furthermore, the Eluatu are known to be prominent among the Mastorian Armed Forces, most commonly utilised as rangers, and as patrols along the Great Crystal Road.  


  A protectorate of the Empire, ruled over by King Hakon LIV. Hakonia is a small but fierce civilisation known to have comprised generations of legendary warriors from throughout the annuls of history. Hakonia's position as a Protectorate ensures that they pay a yearly tribute to the Empire, comprising of both wealth and soldiers, and in exchange, they fall under the protection of the Empire, whilst still being free to live under their own laws and cultures.   Though Hakonia is resource-poor, it does offer a limited amount of resources for trade with the Empire. They host the Empire's largest deposits of limestone in the Empire, and significant granite deposits.  

Lower Mastoria

  A Province is overgrown with long swathes of thick forest land, precarious hill and mountain terrains, and bitter cold rivers. The Empire has advanced to build roads along the coast of the Amberic Sea, and along the edge of the River Ojo, on the route known as the Amberic Corridor. That being said, however, this leaves an overwhelming majority of the land uncovered by their influence.   Lower Mastoria serves the Empire by providing a gateway to the Amberic Sea, and a major trade route to bring goods from the south. It also has a prominent mining industry, providing the Empire with iron and clay. The coastline also yields a rich agriculture providing corn, garlic, and wheat.   What remains of the Province untouched by the Empire is settled by a series of tribes, each with their own distinct religions, cultures, and ideologies, some of which work well with and trade with the Empire, whilst others still strike out against them.  


  A Protectorate ruled over by a group of five tribes. The land is inhabited by Gnomes who dwell in the trees and in large part keep to themselves. They descend from their treetop settlements only to hunt and forage. The Empire has made numerous attempts at advancing into the forests of Miellikia, only to be repelled by the Gnome inhabitants. After many years of conflict, an arrangement was made between the tribes, ensuring a tribute was paid to the Empire every year in exchange for their protection and trade.   Miellikia is known to trade in unique herbs that grow within the forest, as well as in the trade of agriculture grown in the hills such as wheat and barley.  

Upper Mastoria

  The heartland of the Empire, Upper Mastoria comprises a vast swathe of the Thallian continent. It is a land with a diverse ecosystem that comprises much of the world's northern hemisphere. Its ecosystem incorporates polar deserts, tundra, marshland, forests, steppes, and subtropics. The land is further divided among various cultural groups, however the worship of the Dallan faith has become widespread and predominant in their society.   As a result of the vast and sweeping landmass that comprises Upper Mastoria, the Province is a politically and economically varied state. Within the cities, production is managed by a growing industry of productive Golems that maintain large and heavily fortified factories. Outside of the cities, mines and lumberyards harvesting gold, iron, and copper, as well as timber. They also have a strong agricultural sector with many farms to produce wheat and barley for the population.   The Imperial capital sits in the city of Istanbrakt, the seat of the Imperator, the Proctor of Istanbrakt, and the Grand Council. The military bases its largest fortification in the holy city of Nabos, which is home to both the Military Governor for Upper Mastoria and the Proctor of Nabos.  


  The religious heartland of the Empire, a Province most famous for having its capital in the Holy City of Vos Bison, the center of the Dallan faith and the home of both the Time's Acolyte and the Proctor of Vos Bison. The various Orders of Acolytes are further headquartered in the city.   Even beyond its capital, Zenosz is a valued asset of the Mastoracza Empire. Zenosz is known for its extensive silver mines, providing a vital commodity for the Empire. They are also a large producer of sulfur and salt. They are also a land of rich agriculture, known to export much of the Empire's supply of fruits and vegetables.


The Mastorian Armed Forces

  The Imperial Internal Forces   The Internal Armed Forces are a force of soldiers that are distributed throughout the Empire and its Protectorates to ensure their protection from foreign threats. They have fortifications across the Empire and are ready to mobilise and respond to threats at a moment's notice should they arise. Each Province of the Empire and each Protectorate is presided over by a Military Governor who oversees the organisation and division of Imperial forces. Sometimes in times of war, forces from the Internal Armed Forces will be extracted and transferred to join the Imperial Expeditionary Force.   The Imperial Expeditionary Forces   The Imperial Expeditionary Forces are a division of the military that is trained and garrisoned on standby, prepared to mobilise to participate in military conflict during times of war. In the event of an armed conflict, the Imperator will select an Expeditionary General who will be put in command of an Expeditionary Force to mobilise into foreign territory and preside over a military campaign.


The Dallan faith is the most prominent and influential religion within the Empire, with its power rivalling that of the Imperator themselves. The actions of the Dallan faith within the Mastorian Empire are governed by the Holy Congress; a group of three Proctors who reside in Istanbrakt, Nabos, and Vos Bison and are responsible for negotiation with the Empire and the administration of religious lands.   Religious land is granted autonomy by the Imperator and is free to govern itself based on its own laws and customs. Each division of religious land is governed by a Synod, a council of religious figures native to the area who decide upon matters of governance, law, and commerce.  

Other Religions

  The Sharan faith has grown its prominence in Lower Mastoria given that its practitioners inhabit the land that sits on its south-eastern border. The Rakshasa and Human practitioners of the faith tend to keep to themselves and operate out of small and secluded makeshift temples.   Within the borders of the Mastorian Empire lies the isolated and autonomous grotto of Yaga Ingol. Within this grotto exists the heart of the Yagan faith, a group of cultists who practice the worship of the Baba Yaga. From here many of the Yagani people emerged from their grotto and spread worked to proselytise their faith across the Mastoracza Empire.   The wandering Druids of the Fauran faith are known to pass through the lands of the Mastoracza Empire, and while they are known to keep to themselves and rarely interact with the civilised lands of the Empire, or interfere with their affairs, they have been known to trade with their people and come to the rescue of those in danger in the wilderness.


  On Imperial land, the law stands as such;     On pain of death;  
  • Assault on a Great House Member: Done on Imperial land and without the strict permission of the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.
  • Banditry: Done on Imperial land is strictly prohibited. Exemptions may be made for those who provide testimony that ensures the prosecution of their fellow bandits, or who provide a negotiated service to the state, however even in these circumstances, it is mandatory that the guilty party be branded to identify their criminal past.
  • Espionage: Espionage against the Imperial state is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of handing classified information to foreign actors will be prosecuted. Those who are found guilty will likely face execution. Exemptions may be made for those who make appeals to the Grand Council, however, even in these circumstances, the removal of the individual's eyes is mandatory.
  • Murder: Done on Imperial land and without the strict permission of the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Exemptions are made in circumstances wherein a person kills as an act of self-defence, or if the person is a member of the Shadow Council.
  • Piracy: Done in Imperial waters is strictly prohibited. Exemptions may be made for those who provide testimony that ensures the prosecution of their fellow pirates, or who provide a negotiated service to the state, however even in these circumstances, it is mandatory that the guilty party be branded to identify their criminal past.
  • Treason: Acts meant to sabotage or negatively influence the Imperator or the Empire will be viewed as acts of treason and will be met with death. Acts of treason can include enacting and preparing plots against the state, the theft of Imperial property (including tax evasion), and the murder, attempted murder or planned murder of Imperial officials. All trials of treason will be referred up to the Imperial courts of Istanbrakt.
On pain of temporary death;
  • Unlicensed Necromancy: Participating in Necromantic rituals on Imperial land and without a license provided by the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Necromancy refers to any form of magic that serves to reanimate the bodies of the dead in any form. Those convicted of Necromancy will be referred to the Gildan Dumarych, to be executed and resurrected as a servant of the Guild.
On pain of mutilation;
  • Escaping confinement: Escaping from periods of state-mandated confinement is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face the removal of one of their feet. Exemptions are made to those that identify other perpetrators of treasonous behaviour, or who provide a negotiated service to the state, however, even in cases such as these, it is mandatory that such an individual be branded.
  • Spoken Treason: To consider treasonous acts or to encourage treason is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face the removal of their tongue. Exemptions are made to those that identify other perpetrators of treasonous behaviour, or who provide a negotiated service to the state, however, even in cases such as these, it is mandatory that such an individual be branded. 
  • Theft of Great House Property: Theft of private property belonging to members of Great Houses that dwell within Imperial land is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face the loss of one of their hands. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.
  On the threat of a negotiated period of confinement;
  • Assault: Acts of physical assault without the permission of the Wada Woli are strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a period of confinement and forced labour proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.  
  • Distribution of controlled substances: The distribution of controlled substances without the permission of the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a period of confinement and forced labour proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.
  • Fraud: The provision of false Imperial documentation or information is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a period of confinement and forced labour proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes.
  • Insanity: Those who are convicted with a confirmed diagnosis of insanity are confined to an insane asylum until such a time that their diagnosis can be addressed. 
  • Smuggling of illegal goods: Importing or exporting illegal products to or from Imperial land is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a period of confinement and forced labour proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council. 
  • Theft: The theft of private property is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a period of confinement and forced labour proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.
On the threat of a negotiated fine;
  • Consumption of controlled substances: The use of controlled substances without the permission of the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a fine proportionate to the extent and severity of their crime.
  • Smuggling of legal goods: Importing or exporting legal products to or from Imperial land without registering those products with Imperial port authorities is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty of such a crime face a fine proportionate to the extent and severity of their crimes.
  • Torture: Done on Imperial land and without the permission of the Wada Woli is strictly prohibited. Exemptions are made for members of the Shadow Council.

Agriculture & Industry

  The Mastorian economy relies heavily on its control of the Magical Nexus point in Rónrawan. From the Nexus Point, they transport batteries of magical energy to all corners of the Empire and further export it abroad to build up their lavish wealth. With access to these batteries of magical energy, the Mastorians were able to rapidly industrialise their Empire, using Golems to automate factories throughout the many cities of the Empire.   With the growth of an automated workforce, the working-class population of the Empire's cities began to vacate and move into the countryside. Mining and agriculture became thriving industries, and smaller towns and villages began to grow in scale to account for the rapidly changing demographics.   As a result of their rapid industrialisation, the Empire quickly grew to be the principal world power in Vilia.

Trade & Transport

The most prolific and expansive trade route through the Mastoracza Empire is a route known as the Crystal Road, a massive construct from the days of the Pauri Empire that connects Thallia, Valoria, and Doran. It is along this route that the Empire maintains the Mamnomaga, a collection of large carriages hauled by a herd of Mammoths. It is using this train that travellers and cargo are hauled across the length of the Empire, and how batteries are exported from Rónrawan.   Furthermore, with the growing tide of smaller villages and towns sprouting up across the Empire, the Mastoracza began the construction of roads through all corners of the Empire in order to connect these communities and ensure the free flow of resources and trade.


The level of education available in the Mastorian Empire can vary heavily depending on the location. In the city of Instanbrakt and many of the other prominent cities of Upper Mastoria, a great deal of time and resources have been put into establishing a school system for the younger population and constructing and improving upon a myriad of university establishments available to the public.   As the Empire grows further from the centre, however, the resources put into education dwindle, and in those regions commonly overlooked by travellers and traders, access to education is almost non-existent.


  • Upper Mastoria
Founding Date
186 4E
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Lower Mastoria
Upper Mastoria
Major Imports
The Mastorian Empire sits entirely within the world's northern hemisphere, where the environment is typically cold and harsh. With this said, they tend to trade in foreign fruits that it would be impossible to grow within the Empire, as well as certain stones and minerals that can not be found within their borders.
Legislative Body
The Imperator acts as the central and highest authority of the Empire. He has veto power over any and all decisions made within his land. The Grand Council acts as an advisory body that develops coherent strategies and proposals for governance that the Imperator is able to take into account and consider before making a decision.    When a decision is made by the Imperator, an organisation called the Wada Woli (The Council of the Will) is responsible for implementing the policies of the Imperator and ensuring they are enforced throughout the Empire.   Beneath the Imperator, the Regional Governors can develop laws to address local concerns in their Provinces, however, any decisions made by Regional Governors can be overruled by the Imperator.
Judicial Body
Once a criminal is apprehended, the accused have a choice between a Trial by Tribunal or a Trial by Bloodshed. In the case of a Trial by Tribunal, justice is carried out by three judges. One representing the state, one the faith, and one the people. The Judge of the Faith is selected by the local Synod, the governing body of the faith in the District. The Judge of the State is selected by the District Governor (unless overridden by the Governor-General or the Imperator). The Judge of the People finally is selected by a Jury, randomly selected from the city population. The accused are granted the support of the Dimark in order to assemble evidence, and witnesses, and to improve their defence. At the time of the trial, the individual will represent themselves with a member of either the City Guard or the Dimark (depending on whether the crime was committed on Imperial or Religious lands) acting as prosecutor. At the conclusion of the trial, the three judges will vote on the innocence or guilt of the accused. In the case of a Trial by Bloodshed, the case is adjudicated by the Nabomark. The prosecution and the defence are free to select their own champions to participate in the combat, and a meeting will be arranged beforehand to agree on the terms of the combat. On the day of the battle, the two will cut their hands and squeeze the blood into a common basin. With this done, the two will distance themselves from each other before engaging in combat. The victor of the combat will be confirmed in their innocence, or in the guilt of their opponent.
Executive Body
Law is enforced in the cities of the Mastoracza Empire by the Konstat, a group of guards devoted to the preservation of the city. They are divided into various divisions;
  • The Konstat: Responsible for investigating crimes
  • The Orekun: Patrol key parts of their respective cities.
  • The Prowydan: Responsible for maintaining fair business practices in the city market districts.
  • The Rosztety: Guards that are sent to break up large gatherings, protests, and riots.
  • The Kodatnik: Guards that take taxes from the people and provide punishment for those who can not pay.
Beyond the cities, the law is enforced by the Patrok;
  • The Konstat: Responsible for travelling to crimes that occur outside of the cities in order to investigate and subjugate the guilty parties. 
  • The Patrok: Individuals that patrol the roads of the Empire for signs of criminality or danger. Bounty Hunter: Individuals who follow bounties placed by the Empire to recover criminals alive or dead and return them to face justice.
  • The Strawna: Rangers who patrol the wilderness and are responsible for hunting and culling dangerous wildlife to keep them away from civilisation, and also for identifying and addressing signs of banditry and criminal behaviour. 
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities