
Divine Goals & Aspirations

The followers of Marani have a great respect for the balance of life and death, they are known to participate in extensive rituals to honour the dead and say their final farewells to the departed. The followers of Marani abhor any kind of practices that ensure the dead can not acheive their final rest, resenting all forms of Necromancy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

16th Alwarjeń 243 2E   War breaks out between King Ronasura and the usurper Malonkar. Demon-kind divided as civil war raged between them and Marani sided with her King Ronasura.   10th Samarjeń 630 2E   King Ronasura is ousted from power and cast to live as a mortal on Vilia. Marani decides that rather than go into exile or be killed as a sympathiser, she concedes and bends the knee to King Malonkar.   Many ages after this, Marani would discover the Rakshasa Anpu Winkybits and would take her into her service. She would provide the girl with guidance and when she was ready, she would make Anpu her Warlock and send her to act on her behalf.    1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   In the course of her services to Marani, Anpu Winkybits was sent to Lower Mastoria in order to investigate a disturbance of the undead around the mountain of Mulkwast. There she would discover a family of Vampires headed by their Patriarch Wlad Mulkwast. Marani would aide and protect her servant as she endured the gauntlet of challenges she would face in Mulkwast Manor, and would help her to vanquish Wiktor and Dymitri Mulkwast and cast the Mulkwast family from their family home.   8th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Marani presents Anpu Wikybits with a vision that shows her childhood friend Quintus is still alive. She agrees to help her find Quintus if in exchange she enter the Deep and find the unnatural power that resides there.   Anpu Winkybits instead finds herself embroiled in a prison riot and puts her interest into the Crimson Dawn instead. Marani is enraged at her servant and reminds her of her alliegance.   26th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Deep breaks open and there is a mass breakout of prisoners. Marani informs her servant that the power that dwelled within is now moving, and orders her to pursue it north.
Divine Classification
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