Cult of Odex

The Cult of Odex Purrahn is a cult of personality and force surrounding the undead lich of Odex himself. It attracts those who desire long life, power, and an easy life. This however comes at a price of ones soul and willingness to indulge in horrific behaviors.   The cult holds great sway within the Land of the Death Lords but has also been found as far as Soramizu. They have in particular been found trying to undermine the kingdoms near The Raikirian Desert. The cult has been gaining greater power than many nobels as they control more of the undead servants by virtue of Odex and Kariopp the Porcett's power. There is increasing friction with some of the more independant minded Death Lords, especially the three great vampire lords.


The Cult is a top down oligarchy. Odex Himself on top and his Dark Cardinals under him. While Odex runs the country as well, there is a parallel structure managing the undead. While some Death Lords are also Dark Cardinals most positions do not overlap.   Servitors are the rank and file below the Dark Cardinals with the Boneherders at about the same level. Boneherders are in charge of teams of undead that work mundane labor such as gardening, harvesting and mining in the country.

Demography and Population

Anything from corrupt politicians, terrified thevies and those desiring power and to indulge their despicable desires.


Wrest power from the earth and others. Live beyond that which is natural. Honor the giver in this world, Odex.

Divine Origins

Formed as a splinter worship group devoted to Kariopp the Porcett
Religious, Cult
Government System

Articles under Cult of Odex

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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